Brainwashed and doppelganger dice

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Doppelganger dice

Brainwashed dice and doppelganger dice are dice with souls sealed in them, using the power of the Millennium Ring. Brainwashed dice contain the souls of other people, while doppelganger dice contain a portion of the user's soul. Each of them allow the user to control what numbers the dice land on.


Brainwashed dice[edit]

Dark Bakura sealed the soul of Ryo Bakura's friend within dice, making them brainwashed dice.

Dark Bakura faced Dark Yugi and his friends in a game of Monster World. Following the banning of the double hit technique in that game, Dark Bakura employed the brainwashed dice as another method of manipulating dice rolls.[1]

Using the brainwashed dice, Dark Bakura rolled 00, a super critical, which should have allowed his Dark Master Zorc to defeat all of his opponents. However Ryo Bakura, who had regained control of his left hand, interfered with the calculations, causing them to survive with 1 HP each.[1] Dark Bakura tried using the brainwashed dice on his next roll, but Ryo Bakura secretly swapped them with regular dice, causing him to conduct a normal roll. Ryo Bakura interfered again on the next roll by throwing the brainwashed dice himself and forcing them to land on 99, a fumble, causing Zorc's attack to backfire.[2]

Fed up with Ryo's interference, Dark Bakura impaled their left hand on a sharp castle tower on the Monster World diorama, injuring the hand to the point where it could not participate.[2]

Doppelganger dice[edit]

In the same game, Dark Bakura sealed a part of his own soul into two more dice, making them doppelganger dice. Unwittingly, he also sealed a part of his host Ryo Bakura's soul in them.

After that, Dark Bakura was able to successfully roll a 00.[3] On the very last roll of the game, he rolled another 00. However Ryo maintained some control of the doppelganger dice, with the portion of his soul that was sealed in them. With this, he caused the dice to self-destruct, invalidating the last roll.[4]
