Card of Safe Return

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Card of Safe Return
Seikan no Hōsatsu
Treasure Cards of Safe Return

English sets


2004-10-12DB1-EN232Dark Beginning 1Common
2004-12-01LON-EN029Labyrinth of NightmareUltra Rare
2005-01-01SD2-EN018Structure Deck: Zombie MadnessCommon
2008-10-21SDZW-EN021Zombie World Structure DeckCommon
2008-11-01HL07-EN005Hobby League 7 participation card EUltra Parallel Rare
2009-07-28RP02-EN037Retro Pack 2Common

North America

2003-03-01LON-029Labyrinth of NightmareUltra Rare


2004-03-01LON-E029Labyrinth of NightmareUltra Rare

Search categories

Limitation history

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game
StatusStart dateEnd dateList
Semi-Limited2008-09-012009-02-28September 2008 Lists
Limited2009-03-012009-08-31March 2009 Lists
Forbidden2009-09-01September 2009 Lists
Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game
StatusStart dateEnd dateList
Semi-Limited2008-09-012009-02-28September 2008 Lists
Limited2009-03-012009-08-31March 2009 Lists
Forbidden2009-09-01September 2009 Lists

Other languages

Language NameCard text
French Carte de Retour Sain & SaufLorsqu'un monstre est Invoqué Spécialement depuis votre Cimetière, vous pouvez piocher 1 carte.
German Karte der sicheren WiederkehrWenn ein Monster als Spezialbeschwörung von deinem Friedhof beschworen wird, kannst du 1 Karte ziehen.
Italian Carta del Ritorno SicuroQuando un mostro viene Evocato tramite Evocazione Speciale dal tuo Cimitero, puoi pescare 1 carta.
Portuguese Card do Regresso SeguroQuando um monstro é Invocado, por Invocação-Especial, do seu Cemitério, para o Campo, você pode comprar 1 card do seu Deck.
Spanish Carta de Retorno SeguroCuando un monstruo es Invocado mediante una Invocación especial desde tu Cementerio, puedes robar 1 carta.
Japanese せいかんほうさつ自分の墓地からモンスターがフィールド上に特殊召喚された時、デッキからカードを1枚ドローする事ができる。
Seikan no Hōsatsu
Treasure Cards of Safe Return
Korean 생환의 패자신의 묘지에서 몬스터가 필드 위에 특수 소환되었을 때, 덱에서 카드를 1장 드로우 할 수 있다.

Sets in other languages


ReleaseNumberSetFrench nameRarity
2004-04-15LDC-F029Labyrinth of NightmareLe Labyrinthe des CauchemarsUltra Rare
2005-01-01SD2-FR018Structure Deck: Zombie MadnessDeck de Structure: Folie ZombieCommon
2008-10-21SDZW-FR021Zombie World Structure DeckLe Monde des Zombies Deck de StructureCommon
2009-07-23RP02-FR037Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Common


ReleaseNumberSetGerman nameRarity
2004-03-24LON-G029Labyrinth of NightmareLabyrinth of NightmareUltra Rare
2004-12-17DB1-DE232Dark Beginning 1Dark Beginning 1Common
2005-01-01SD2-DE018Structure Deck: Zombie MadnessStructure Deck: Zombie MadnessCommon
2008-10-21SDZW-DE021Zombie World Structure DeckZombie World Structure DeckCommon
2009-07-24RP02-DE037Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Common


ReleaseNumberSetItalian nameRarity
2004-04-01LDI-I029Labyrinth of NightmareLabirinto dell'IncuboUltra Rare
2005-01-01SD2-IT018Structure Deck: Zombie MadnessStructure Deck: Follia ZombieCommon
2008-10-21SDZW-IT021Zombie World Structure DeckMondo Zombie Structure DeckCommon
2009-07-23RP02-IT037Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Common


ReleaseNumberSetPortuguese nameRarity
2005-02-01SD2-PT018Structure Deck: Zombie MadnessDeck Estrutura: Insanidade ZumbiCommon


ReleaseNumberSetSpanish nameRarity
2004-12-01DB1-SP232Dark Beginning 1Principio Oscuro 1Common
2005-01-01SD2-SP018Structure Deck: Zombie MadnessBaraja de Estructura: Locura de ZombiCommon
2008-10-21SDZW-SP021Zombie World Structure DeckMundo Zombi Baraja de EstructuraCommon
2009-07-23RP02-SP037Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Common


ReleaseNumberSetJapanese nameRarity
2001-04-19SM-28Spell of MaskSpell of Maskスペル・オブ・マスクめんじゅばくUltra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
2002-12-12DL3-067Duelist Legacy Volume.3DUELISTデュエリスト LEGACYレガシー VolumeボリュームCommon
2004-03-25SDM-025Structure Deck: Marikストラクチャーデッキ -マリクへんCommon
2004-06-24BE1-JP232Beginner's Edition 1BEGINNER'Sビギナーズ EDITIONエディションCommon
2004-12-09SD2-JP018Structure Deck: Zombie Madnessストラクチャーデッキ -アンデットのきょうCommon
2007-06-23SD13-JP022Structure Deck: Revival of the Great Dragonストラクチャーデッキ -きょりゅうふっかつCommon
2008-06-21SD15-JP022Structure Deck: Undead Worldストラクチャーデッキ -アンデットワールド-Common
2011-05-14BE01-JP191Beginner's Edition 1BEGINNER'Sビギナーズ EDITIONエディション 1 [2011]Common


2003-06-26LON-029Labyrinth of NightmareUltra Rare


ReleaseNumberSetKorean nameRarity
2004-09-02LON-KR029Labyrinth of Nightmare악몽의 미궁Ultra Rare
2005-12-15SD2-KR018Structure Deck: Zombie MadnessSTRUCTURE DECK스트럭처 덱 —언데드의 위협—Common
2006-04-11BP1-KR232Beginner's Edition 1비기너즈 팩 1Common
2007-07-17SD13-KR022Structure Deck: Revival of the Great DragonSTRUCTURE DECK스트럭처 덱 —거대룡의 부활—Common
2009-04-18SD15-KR022Structure Deck: Undead WorldSTRUCTURE DECK스트럭처 덱 —언데드 월드—Common

In other media

Page Medium Debut date
Card of Safe Return (anime) Anime 2001-07-31
Card of Safe Return (DM6) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2 2001-12-20
Card of Safe Return (SDD) Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel 2003-04-15
Card of Safe Return (World Championship 2004) Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 2004-02-05
Card of Safe Return (GX1) Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy 2005-10-13
Card of Safe Return (World Championship 2006) Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006 2006-02-23
Card of Safe Return (Tag Force 3) Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 2008-11-27
Card of Safe Return (Master Duel) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2022-01-19
Card of Safe Return (Duel Links) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Card of Safe Return (manga) Manga

Video games

Video gameDate#NameCostStatus
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21Present

Lores and sets

Video gameLoreSets
Nightmare TroubadourVisitor from Beyond (Common)
OnlinePack 19