Alchemy Beast

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Alchemy Beast
From left to right: "Leon the Lead", "Ouroboros the Bronze" and "Salamandra the Steel"; Back: "Chaos Distill"
  • れんきんじゅう
  • 錬金獣 (base)
  • れんきんじゅう (ruby)
  • Renkinjū (romanized)
Anime appearances

"Alchemy Beast" (れんきんじゅう Renkinjū) is an archetype of Level 3 Rock monsters with 500 ATK and DEF, used by Amnael in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime. The main strategy of this archetype is banishing your own monsters to power up your stronger monsters and relying on the direct attack ability of the weak monsters.

These monsters are based on common base metals and animals used in alchemy to transmute and refine gold and the alchemic processes, based on 4 of the 7 main stages in transmutation, falling under calcination, dissolution, separation, conjunction, fermentation, distillation and coagulation.


Alchemy Beast Summoning Spell Basis Material
Aretos the Tin Tin Spell Circle Eagle Tin
Ekenas the Mercury Mercury Hourglass Echeneis Mercury
Leon the Lead Lead Compass Lion Lead
Moonface the Silver Silver Key Moon Silver
Ouroboros the Bronze/Ouroboros the Copper Bronze Scale/Copper Scales Ouroboros Bronze/Copper
Salamandra the Steel/Salamandra the Iron Steel Lamp/Iron Lamp Salamander Steel/Iron