Arsenal Bug (Tag Force 1)

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Arsenal Bug
Āmādo Furai
Armored Fly
Attribute EARTH
Type Insect / Effect
Level 3
ATK / DEF 2000 / 2000
Rarity Common
Internal number 5033
Password 42364374

If there are no face-up Insect-Type monsters (except this monster) on your side of the field, both the ATK and DEF of this monster become 1000 points.

Obtained by

"Arsenal Bug" is available in the following packs:

Related cards

"Arsenal Bug" is part of the following genres:

Other languages

Name Lore
French Insecte Arsenal S'il n'y a pas de monstres de Type Insecte sur votre Terrain (excepté ce monstre), l'ATK et la DEF de ce monstre deviennent de 1000 points.
German Arsenalkäfer Falls sich keine offenen Monster vom Typ Insekt (ausgenommen dieses) auf deiner Spielfeldseite befinden, werden die ATK und DEF dieses Monster zu 1000.
Italian Insetto Arsenale Se non ci sono mostri di Tipo Insetto scoperti sul tuo Terreno (eccetto questo mostro), ATK e DEF di questo mostro diventano 1000 punti.
Spanish Insecto del Arsenal Si no hay monstruos de Tipo Insecto boca arriba en tu Campo excepto esta carta, el ATK y la DEF de este monstruo se convierten en 1000.
