Bad Reaction to Simochi (Tag Force 1)

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Bad Reaction to Simochi
Shimocchi ni yoru Fukusayō
Card type Trap
Property Continuous
Rarity Super Rare
Internal number 4694
Password 40633297

As long as this card remains face-up on the field, any effect of increasing your opponent's Life Points is changed to inflict the same amount of points in damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Obtained by

"Bad Reaction to Simochi" is available in the following packs:

Related cards

"Bad Reaction to Simochi" is part of the following genres:

Other languages

Name Lore
French Effets Secondaires Les effets qui augmentent les Life Points de votre adversaire deviennent des effets qui infligent des dommages à ses Life Points.
German Simochi-Allergie Effekte, die die Life Points deines Gegners erhöhen, fügen statt dessen den Life Points deines Gegners Schaden zu.
Italian Brutta Reazione a Simochi Gli effetti che aumentano i Life Points del tuo avversario diventano effetti che infliggono danno ai Life Points del tuo avversario.
Spanish Mala Reacción de Simochi El efecto de aumentar los Life Points de tu adversario es cambiado a infligir la misma cantidad de daño a los Life Points de tu adversario.
