Barrel Behind the Door (Tag Force 1)

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Barrel Behind the Door
Jigoku no Tobira Goshi Jū
Gun Behind Hell's Door
Card type Trap
Property Counter
Rarity Rare
Internal number 5543
Password 78783370

You can only activate this card when an effect that inflicts damage to your Life Points is activated (except Battle Damage). Switch the Effect Damage you receive to your opponent's Life Points.

Obtained by

"Barrel Behind the Door" is available in the following packs:

Related cards

"Barrel Behind the Door" is part of the following genres:

Other languages

Name Lore
French Canon Derrière la Porte Vous ne pouvez activer cette carte que lorsqu'un effet qui inflige des dommages aux Life Points est activé (excepté les dommages de combat). Transférez les dommages d'Effet que vous recevez aux Life Points de votre adversaire.
German Pistolenlauf hinter der Tür Wenn ein Effekt, der den Life Points Schaden zufügt (ausgenommen Kampfschaden), aktiviert wird, übertrage den Schaden, den du erhalten sollst, auf die Life Points deines Gegners.
Italian Pistola Dietro la Porta Puoi attivare questa carta solo quando un effetto che infligga danno ai tuoi Life Points viene attivata (eccetto danno da combattimento). Trasferisci il danno che avresti ricevuto ai Life Points del tuo avversario.
Spanish Cañon Tras la Puerta Cuando un efecto que infliga daño a los Life Points es activado (excepto daño de batalla), transfiere el daño que recibes a los Life Points de tu adversario.
