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Cannon Soldier (Tag Force 1)

Cannon Soldier
Kyanon Sorujā
Attribute DARK
Type Machine / Effect
Level 4
ATK / DEF 1400 / 1300
Rarity Super Rare
Internal number 4518
Password 11384280

By Tributing 1 monster, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.


Obtained by

"Cannon Soldier" is available in the following packs:

Related cards

"Cannon Soldier" is part of the following genres:

"Cannon Soldier" is directly connected to the following cards:

Deck Recipes

"Cannon Soldier" is in the following Decks:

Character Deck Level Qty
None (downloadable recipe) TokuToku Deck 1

Other languages

Name Lore
French Soldat Canon En sacrifiant 1 monstre, infligez 500 points de dommages à votre adversaire.
German Kanonensoldat Indem du 1 Monster auf deiner Spielfeldseite als Tribut anbietest, füge deinem Gegner 500 Schaden zu.
Italian Soldato-Cannone Offri come Tributo 1 mostro per infliggere 500 punti di danno al tuo avversario.
Spanish Soldado Cañón Sacrifica 1 monstruo en tu Campo para infligir 500 puntos de daño a los Life Points de tu adversario.
