Card Appearances:Infernity Doom Dragon

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  • In episode 88, Kalin Kessler uses this card during his Ground Duel against Yusei Fudo. He Synchro Summons this card by tuning "Infernity Dwarf" with "Infernity Avenger" (who was Level 6 due to Kalin activating the effect of "Infernity Avenger" to revive it and make its Level the same as the Level of "Infernity Destroyer"). Kalin then activates this card's effect to destroy "Junk Warrior" (whose ATK was 2900 due to its own effect and the effect of "Boost Warrior") and inflict half its ATK as damage to Yusei. As Kalin activated this card's effect, it is forbidden from attacking this turn, so he ends his turn. On Kalin's next turn, this card attacks "Stardust Dragon", but Yusei activates "Power Frame" to negate the attack, equip "Power Frame" to "Stardust Dragon", and increase the ATK of "Stardust Dragon" by the difference in ATK between "Stardust Dragon" and this card. "Stardust Dragon" then attacks this card, but Kalin activates "Infernity Break" to banish "Infernity Dwarf" from his Graveyard and destroy "Power Frame" (which reduces the ATK of "Stardust Dragon" to its original value). Yusei then Tributes "Second Booster" in order to increase the ATK of "Stardust Dragon" by 1500. "Stardust Dragon" then destroys this card, winning Yusei the Duel.
  • In episode 89, this card appears in a flashback West has when he explains to Kalin that his wishes will come true if he doesn't give and keep battling just like Kalin does.
  • In episode 92, Kalin uses this card during his Ground Duel with Yusei against Lawton. He Synchro Summons this card by tuning "Infernity Beast" and two "Infernity Beetles" (who are regular Effect Monsters in the anime) with "Infernity Randomizer" (who is a Tuner in the anime). Kalin then activates this card's effect to destroy "Blaster Ogre" and inflict half its ATK as damage to Lawton, however Lawton activates "Metal Coat", equipping it to "Blaster Ogre" and preventing it from being destroyed by card effects. As Kalin activated this card's effect, it is forbidden from attacking this turn. Later the Duel is interrupted by Barbara and Lawton's henchmen, but Crow Hogan, Jack Atlas, and Sector Security arrive. Lawton activates an explosive to distract his enemies and escape, but Kalin catches up to him. The two of then decide to continue the Duel without Yusei and his cards. Lawton then activates the effect of "Blaster Ogre" to destroy this card and inflict half its ATK as damage to Kalin, but Kalin activates the effect of "Infernity Des Gunman" and "Infernity Climber" from the Graveyard. First Kalin activates the effect of "Infernity Climber" to place it on top of his Deck. Next Kalin banishes "Infernity Des Gunman" from his Graveyard in order to activate its effect, negating the damage he would take and giving Lawton two choices. The first will allow Kalin to draw a card and reveal it and if it's a monster, Lawton will take damage equal to the damage Kalin takes and all effect damage Kalin takes this turn will be inflicted to Lawton instead. If it's not a monster, Kalin will take damage equal to the damage he took this turn. The second choice will allow Lawton to negate the effect of "Infernity Des Gunman", but Kalin won't take any effect damage this turn. Lawton chooses the first choice as he believes Kalin's top card to be "Blaster Cartridge", however Kalin reveals that his top card is "Infernity Climber". After he explains how it got on top of his Deck, the effect of "Infernity Des Gunman" activates, inflicting all damage Kalin would have taken to Lawton and winning Kalin the Duel.
  • Its attack name in the anime is called "Death Fire Blast" in the original Japanese version, and its effect name is "Infernity Death Breath" in the original Japanese version. Both its attack and its effect are called "Infernal Flame Blast" in the English dub.