Card Lores:Torike

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Greek - Torike
Αν και αδύναμος υπερασπιστής, το κοφτερό κέρατο αυτού του τέρατος του δίνει πλεονέκτημα στη μάχη.

  • In the French version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Bien qu'il ne sache pas bien se défendre, ce monstre possède une corne acérée qui lui donne l'advantage dans les attaques."
  • In the German version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Obwohl es sich nur schlecht verteidigen kann, besitzt dieses Monster ein scharfes Horn, mit des es gefährlich attackieren kann."
  • In the Italian version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Nonostante le sue capacità difensive siano ridotte, l'affilato corno di cui dispone rende questo mostro molto forte quando attacca."
  • In the Spanish version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Aunque su defensa es pobre, el puntiagudo cuerno de este monstruo le concede ventaja cuando ataca."