Card Trivia:All For Naught - Bubble Burst

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  • This card's Japanese name reflects its Aqua Type support effect and its relation with the Bubble Era series. It also references the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble, an economic bubble in Japan that burst in 1992 and caused the Japanese economy to stagnate.
    • The 水の泡 (mizu no awa) portion, in particular, literally means water bubbles or foam, and figuratively means the dispiriting result of an endeavor, as in the phrase 水の泡だ (mizu no awa da, "come to naught," lit. "be froth"). In East Asian languages, froth or bubbles, which are ephemeral and unsubstantial, are associated with abject failure. This notion is not directly linked to "economic bubble" in English, meaning the two portions of this card's name are coincidentally, yet intentionally, similar. Other comparable translations include "go up in smoke," "amount to nothing" and "be in vain."
  • This is the first card to include the number "1,000,000" in its card text.