Card Trivia:Earthbound Spirit

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  • Spirits vaguely resembling this monster appear in the artwork of "Call of the Earthbound".
    • Ironically, the aforementioned card is counted as an "Earthbound" card in terms of functionality while this card is not. Though unlike other cards that have similar names but are not considered part of an archetype due to localization issue (such as the former "Frog the Jam"), this card's naming issue were present in its Japanese name as well, as it features the same "地縛" kanji as the other "Earthbound" monsters, but have katagana "アース・バウンド" ("Earthbound" transliterated) applied instead of hiragana "じばく" (read as "jibaku").
  • This card is named after an "earthbound spirit", a term used to describe a soul that has failed to leave the living world and ascend to Heaven, there becoming trapped between two different worlds. The use of "earthbound" in this context is distinct from the 'elemental' earth represented by the EARTH Attribute.
  • The Spanish name of this card has an errata, as it's "Espiritu Atado a la Tierra" when it should be "Espíritu Atado a la Tierra". Interestingly, its lore has the correct spelling for the word "spirit".
    • Still, the lore itself has a couple of erratas, as it says that the creature "arrastra a cualquiera que se atreva a acercarsele hacia las profuncidades de la tierra" instead of "arrastra a cualquiera que se atreva a acercársele hacia las profundidades de la tierra".