Card Trivia:Malefic Truth Dragon

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  • This card has the highest original DEF of all of the following card types:
    • DARK (tied with "Dystopia the Despondent" and "Five-Headed Dragon")
    • Dragon (tied with "Dragon Master Knight" and "Five-Headed Dragon")
  • This is the strongest "Malefic" monster in terms of ATK and DEF.
  • This card's relation to "Malefic Paradox Dragon" is a reference to the nature of a paradox; though it may seem impossible, it is in fact true.
    • These two cards also represent Paradox himself; "Malefic Paradox Dragon" has the colors of his mask, while this card has his hair color.
    • This card's artwork is also a reference to the Paradigm Shift concept itself. This monster's wings appear upside-down, its feet appear backwards, its tail juts out from its back, and its head almost looks the same upside-down as it is right side up.
  • This card's Japanese name is redundant, since "シン" (pronounced Shin) also sounds like one of the words for "Truth". Kazuki Takahashi has stated that the word "Sin, シン", the "Malefic" archetype's original name, is intended as a pun for "Sin" and "Truth", so this is intentional.
  • This is the only "Malefic" monster which does not have monochromatic colors (black and white).
  • The TCG name of this card might refer to corrupted truth.