Forum:BEWD Deck Help

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Hello there! I'm a bit old-fashioned in that my deck is based around Blue-Eyes, but I like to think my deck has come to be a bit of a nasty, well-oiled machine. However, I know there's still room for improvements, so I felt it best to seek help outside of my circle of friends. The metagame among my friend group is very spell/trap heavy, so there is quite a bit to counteract that. We're going to start going to weekly tournaments soon-ish though, and I'd like to be able to deal with more current decks.

Currently, the only card I'm considering adding is a copy of Pot of Avarice, but anything else you guys can think of is great!


I wanna say Divine Dragon Apocralyph maybe to help get back Blue-Eyes for Trade-In? Maybe another Darkness Metal Dragon, and since you have 9 Normal Monsters, Common Charity?

Also, maybe you should read Forum: Deck Guide/General. Your missing quite a few staples that would be good for you to add in.

Also, just so you know, you might not get that far with Blue-Eyes in a tourney, but then again I'm basing this on a general meta in a YCS setting, so not like I know your local meta. If you want to try to be a little more competitive and still have Blue-Eyes, then try this out. You don't actually have to do the LaDD loop, you can just summon back BEWD with REDMD. But if you really want to stick with Blue-Eyes, just say so, and I'll offer as much help as I can. ---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 21:44, June 7, 2012 (UTC)

I appreciate all the suggestions! I'd been on the fence about another Darkness Metal, but I suppose throwing another in couldn't hurt too terribly? I wasn't aware of Common Charity or Apocralyph though, I'll have to consider them as well. I'll have to pick through the staple list too, there's quite a few nice things on this list.

And I would like to stick to a Blue-Eyes based deck if at all possible. I've been sweeping my general friend group rather well lately, so I feel pretty okay about it. Cometthemicroraptor (talkcontribs) 22:05, June 7, 2012 (UTC)

Try Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh looks like maybe a fun card to play

Delta Flyer might be better than Rose. I mean Delta lets you go for Level 7 or Level 8 Synchro monster, so it has more flexibility Rose, Warrior of Revenge.

Anyway, a quick overview of staples would be:

Those are usually run in almost every competitive deck, and you might want to get rid of the more situational cards, or drop them to 1 at most. ---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 00:04, June 8, 2012 (UTC)

Free Decklist

Just felt like making a quick BEWD Disaster Dragon list ~

I make decks for Forum:Decks for Free! a lot, and have had my share of building decks around specific monsters, just so you know.

Most of those cards are cheap, so if you want to build it, it shouldn't be too expensive. Just remember that Divine Dragon Apocralyph is the play maker, because he can fetch you the Dragon you need so you can use Trade In or Cards of Consonance, or he can get you the Red-Eyes Darkness in grave, so you can summon Darkness.

Be careful when using Totem Dragon, he loses his effect if one card in your graveyard isn't a Dragon-type monster. Send Totem to grave with Future Fusion and Foolish Burial, or just discard him with Divine Dragon Apocralyph. If you don't like Totem, then drop him for 2 High-ATK, easy to summon dragons.

If you chose not to use the above, then take note that Call of the Haunted is much better than Birthright, because Call of the Haunted lets you summon almost any monster in your grave, so you can even bring back Red-Eyes Darkness, then use his effect to bring back BEWD. Much better than Birthright (Which could only get you BEWD and other Normals), right?

Anyway, that's just my 2 cents. If you have questions, feel free to post on my talk page, just remember to sign your post.

---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 00:50, June 8, 2012 (UTC)