Forum:Deck Contest 23: Raging Assault!

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You guessed it! This week your trying to build decks based around the 6 "/Assault Mode" Monsters! Submit your decks on November 9th through the 10th, 2011. I'll set up voting on the 10th. Always the goal is creativity, but make sure the deck can summon the Assault Mode efficiently, but it still plays well.

  • Must use the September 2011 Banlist.
  • OCG and TCG cards are fine.
  • Do not post your deck up until a section has been created for them.
  • Your deck must be original, you must make/test it yourself.
  • Read Forum:Weekly Deck Competition Overview if you have any more questions, if they are not answered, please ask on our talk pages.
  • This is not the same as a previous deck competition, where you could invent a boss card for an archetype and make a deck around it. Instead, you must use already existing cards to support an archetype.
Preview: Next week is something involving ZEXAL!


Add your user name to the "/Assault Mode" Monster you want to do. Go look on WDC 22 if you don't know how. 2 contestants per monster.


I've made a deck around this guy before, and it's pretty fun. It's been a while though. xD Synchro Maniac10 (talkcontribs) 01:40, November 3, 2011 (UTC)

I doubt I'll be able to access the net on the 9th and 10th. Could I submit at a slightly earlier date? --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 03:14, November 3, 2011 (UTC)

Sure, tell me when you'll be able to post and I'll make the deck section early. ---Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 03:28, November 4, 2011 (UTC)

Eh, sorry guys, I'm not going to be able to do this one either. I just got approximately a metric ton of stuff to do for school. Sorry. Next one, though, maybe! XD --Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon (talkcontribs) 06:42, November 8, 2011 (UTC)

Anyone can post decks starting tomorrow.---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 03:14, November 9, 2011 (UTC)


Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode


I adapted this from another deck I'd made, so it's based around CF rather than CF/AM. But, it's pretty much the same. The main focus is to overpower your Warriors with "Solidarity", "Command Knight" and "Comrade Swordsman of Landstar" whilst weakening your opponent's monsters with CF/AM and "Burden of the Mighty". As this deck uses only Warrior-type monsters (for Solidarity) I had to improvise a little to summon CF, as there is only 1 Level 4 Warrior-type Tuner monster. So I added a few Level 3 Tuners and "Star Changer" to turn them into Level 4 monsters. They also make good Xyz Materials for "M. X-Saber Invoker", who can summon strong monsters like Bergzak. Everything else is for a strong offence. --Darkskylarkalexanderx (talkcontribs) 12:14, November 10, 2011 (UTC)

Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode


I cannot get this to work. Seriously. It worked maybe once...and when it does, the deck is really awesome, but the very concept put in so much inherent inconsistency... BF2 Talk Deck Guides 23:42, November 10, 2011 (UTC)


So, this uses the Zombie engine to swarm + Shutendoji for draw power and consistency and Necroface as tech, destoying the opponent's deck and sometimes accelerating mine. The Plant Engine is for more Synchro support. This deck summon the AM about 1 out of every 2 duels and is normally game-winning, even though I can definitely win without summoning it. Even though the regular Doomkaiser is useless, the deck functions fine without Zombie World, and surprisingly requires little grave setup (as little as 2 Zombies, one being PSZ). Hope you like it! :) Synchro Maniac10 (talkcontribs) 02:20, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode

Elite Wolf

Short version: control the field with the scrap monsters, then bust out RDA/AM to finish off the opponent. Everything else makes the deck run smoothly. Elite Wolf (talkcontribs) 05:36, November 10, 2011 (UTC)

Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode


Well, then, since a Buster Mode competition showed up again with not much difference to the limitations, I'd might as well try this again.

If you've seen my user page, this should be familiar enough. The main idea of the Deck is to use the 4+4 combination to summon Stardust Dragon, though in different situations, other LV8 monsters will suffice as well.

This Deck mainly uses Flamvell Firedog's effect to easily search out Flamvell Magician for the 4+4 combo, but in other situations, Summon Priest here can do just fine in order to fish out Flamvell Magician or Scrap Beast. Blue Thunder T-45 also helps out by generating LV4 Tokens to use. Late in the game, Rekindling can bring back the Flamvells for a game-ending rush or mass Synchro Summon.

Searching and recycling Buster Mode is quite easy, too. Buster Beast either makes for a hell of a beatstick or can fish Buster Mode from the Deck. A Buster Mercenary is also around to cycle discarded/used/destroyed Buster Modes to pick off annoying S/Ts in the way. Starlight Road is thrown in to protect against Heavy Storm or Dark Hole, not to mention that it summons a Stardust Dragon to Buster immediately.

Of course, with all the spammage of LV4 monsters, Rank 4 Xyz Summons are always possible. Number 16 or Vylon Disigma can be easily accessed through Summon Priest -> Summon Priest -> Any LV4 monster. I would throw in Number 10, but its effect is a tad too weak for the effort in Summoning it.

So, that's pretty much it to the Deck. Thanks to DarkAce for letting me submit early. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 02:53, November 7, 2011 (UTC)


Remember to not vote for yourselves and only vote once. <poll> Who had the deck best made to bring out their Assault Mode monster? Darkskylarkalexanderx BF2 SM10 Elite Wolf Gadjiltron </poll>


The winner in WDC 23 is Gadjiltron! Awesome job man, nice deck. ---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 01:35, November 12, 2011 (UTC)