Forum:Drill Mill?

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I was messing around with my current mill deck, which is sort of a mill/recycle deck I guess, when suddenly the thought of "Drill Warrior" popped into my head. Sure, why can't I use him here? He'd be great 'cause he lest me reuese my monsters and discrad my "Night Assailant", which I love abusing. The only problem, I realised, was actually summoning "Drill Warrior", so I decided to post my current deck here and ask all you lovely members of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia community to give me a hand with any ideas on how I could, without changing the deck drastically, fit in "Drill Warrior".

By the way that's 14 Monsters (not including Extra Deck), 21 Spells and 5 Traps totalling exatcly 40 cards, just for those of you too lazy to count. I know I wouldn't bother counting cards in someone else's decklist...

Any ideas/help at all are useful, thanks! And remember I'd like to try and include "Drill Warrior" if possible, so any suggestions on that note too would be mucho aprricêated (I think I just made up a new foreign word...) Over and Out --EndOfTheWorld (Its the EndOfTheWorld! Mwuhahahaha!) 17:02, December 21, 2010 (UTC)

Since you had Giant Rat, so you should include "Drill Synchron", as it's Earth Material and is easily to summon via the Element Searcher. Then you can add Drill Warrior easily. The only target for Non-Tuner Material I could see are Grand Mole AND Sangan... So try your luck get them on the field when you wish to summon the said warrior. --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P.S.C. 17:23, December 21, 2010 (UTC)

Excuse me, I'm interested as to why you use chimeratech fortress dragon. You do not have a cyber dragon, so I assume you use chimeratech in case your opponet whips out their cyber dragon, considering chimeratech fortress dragon can be summoned using cards from both sides of the field. Am I correct?

Oh, as for summoning drill warrior you should definitely put in drill synchron, and at least one, if not two dandylion. The dandys are perfect for drill warrior. They are lvl 3 earth monsters, and wen sent to the graveyard you get two lvl 1 tokens. And, with dandy in the graveyard, you may opt to using drill warrior at times to retrieve your dandy from the graveyard. Just a tip. I've been wanting a dandy as well, but can't get one...


You're about right on the "Fortress Dragon" bit, but I do normally sidedeck "Cyber Dragon" at the same time. Obviously "Cyber Dragon" has no place in my main deck in this case, so I didn't put him there.

"Drill Synchron" was the obvious choice over "Quickdraw Synchron" as I don't run ANY level 1 Monsters, but I wasn't sure as I still don't run all that many level 3s. "Dandylion" might be worth a shot though, as would be "Marauding Captain" (instant "Drill Warrior", with "Drill Synchron"), but I'd have no idea what to start with taking out, although perhaps the deck is best left without "Drill Warrior"... Over and Out --EndOfTheWorld (Its the EndOfTheWorld! Mwuhahahaha!) 16:04, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

Why not use Quickdraw? Discarding Dandy to summon Quickdraw will give you two Fluff tokens. Just tune one of them to Quickdraw for Drill Warrior. So, if anything, try to include both Drill Synchron and Quickdraw along with a couple of dandys. (talk) 23:12, December 22, 2010 (UTC)