Forum:Why are the following cards Banned?

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There are certain cards that are banned during the timeline of the Yu-Gi-Oh! metagame, but there are some cards that I do not actually understand the reason behind its prohibition. Some of these cards are banned from the past, so if you were present at that game in the past, can you tell me the reason behind it?

Anyway, these are some of the cards that I would like some clarification on its prohibition:

(If the month and year is mentioned it means it's only banned in the past so far, and thus needs a reason on why it's banned at that time)

Thank you for your wisdom if you can reasonably explain the greater purpose of the ban. 16:32, March 1, 2010 (UTC)

Explanation by TSD

Dark Magician of Chaos was banned because of an infinite loop involving him. Also, the spell retreiving was very powerfull. And since he is removed when destroyed, D.D.R. can easily bring him back. He's a chaos card, what can i say?

Dimension fusion is a pumped up Return from the Different Dimension. It was banned because you can play it straight from your hand and for only 2000 LP, you get to swarm out up to five monsters. It was part of the DMOC infinite loop. This card was just plain deadly.

Metamorphisis was banned mainly because of the Goat Control deck. It made it just too easy to get out powerfull fusion monsters. You can even use it on the level 10 Metal Reflect Slime token for any level 10 fusion.

Ring of destruction allows for a free destruction of you opponents monster. In addition, both players get burned with it's attack. This card was a powerfull game ender. Attack for a near otk, then pop you monster and burn for game. Also usefull in destroying cards that require their destruction to have their effects activated,such as sangan.

Breaker isn't forbidden anymore, but was because it served two amazing purposes. 1. You have a 1900 atk beatstick. 2. You can ignore the attack gain to pop a spell or trap. The second effect was just enough to get it banned for a while. It is even more deadly now, because with a fully loaded Magical Citadel of Endymion, you can clean your opponents backrow zone. That's happened to me, and it wasn't fun.

Time Seal: How would you like to skip your draw phase? It is not only a way to stall for time, but also to disrupt and stop cards like Archlord Kristya. Also usefull if opponent has no cards in his/her hand.

This is all i have to say for now. Hope you understand now. ^_^ TwosidedDragon 16:53, March 1, 2010 (UTC)

("Note: Citadel can only be used once per turn, so you can only use the breakers effect twice per turn" Elzam 12:14, March 23, 2010 (UTC))

Well, thanks for some of the explanations, but there are still some cards that are yet to be explained. For anybody's information, they are:

...and Destiny Hero - Disk Commander while anybody's at it. 13:05, March 2, 2010 (UTC)

victory dragon is banned because if you are in a tournment if that card lowers you life points (has to be this card) you win all 3 duels.

-Last Will is broken, imagine using it with monarchs, or hell..Lightsworns to get out a tuner -Mirror Force should be obvious -Makyura the Destructor is because of FTK decks Cloak007 14:52, March 2, 2010 (UTC)

Chaos sorcereris practically an envoy, andu knw how broken those are. practically no cost, n massive effects. United we stand gives u a monter with 4000, with no cost, imagine 2 equip that 2 an inmotal, whipes out your life points with 1 attack. Makyura is 1 of the most broken cards on the game, imagine your oponent activated JD's effect, sendin makyura 2 the grave, the he summons an other, would it be nice 2 be able 2 activate mirror force from the hand? also it was the main monster in a exchange of spirit deck. magician of faith im not all sure, cause u can have 3 mask of darkness, but probably it is cause it easy 2 search. Pato M 15:00, March 2, 2010 (UTC)

Then (in response to the last post), why is it that United We Stand is able to be semi-limited now when the Earthbound Immortals are in the game, but banned at the time where they weren't (and at that time, there weren't many strong direct attackers)?

Also, if Chaos Sorcerer is that "broken", why is it that it can be used in the metagame now? (Only wanted to know the reason it's banned in the past, but loses its prohibition.) 07:39, March 5, 2010 (UTC)

Magician of Faith and D-Hero Disk Commander

--She has a loop w/ Tsukuyomi.For D-Hero Disk Commander.There are lots of cards that can Special Summon him in the Graveyard(like Limit Reverse,Call of the Haunted,Destiny Hero - Fear Monger,Zombie Master if Zombie World is active).

Jampong 13:14, March 4, 2010 (UTC)

Personaly, i'm wondering why Cyber Ogre is Limited, as other than a silly combo with Armed Changer, all it has is a lesser version of Honest, for 1 card, compared to Honests attribute, or kaluts archtype~- 14:18, March 4, 2010 (UTC)

Cyber Ogre was never limited in any way in any list... Check the Historic Forbidden/Limited Chart again. Falzar FZ 05:21, March 5, 2010 (UTC)

But then, even without Tsukuyomi, why is Magician of Faith banned then (in the historic list, Tsukuyomi was banned first, but Magician of Faith was banned eventually even without the help of Tsukuyomi)? 07:29, March 5, 2010 (UTC)

Explanation by User:Zeroblizzard

  • Dark Magician of Chaos: See the infinite loop in the tips.
  • Dimension Fusion: It was too easy to pay 2000 life points to game someone.
  • Last Will: Too many easy targets.
  • Magician of Faith: Allows you to re-use Limited spells.
  • Makyura the Destructor: See the infinite loop in the tips.
  • Metamorphosis: Too easy to get to Thousand Eyes Restrict.
  • Ring of Destruction: Too easy to set up a three card OTK: attack with two monsters, tribute one for game.
  • Victory Dragon: Players can forfeit at any time. If you attack with Victory Dragon for a win, your opponent can just forfeit. This gets rid of that possibility, and makes it easier on judges.
  • Time Seal: Skipping a draw phase is cheap and creates lockdowns too easily.

Zeroblizzard 17:24, March 5, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard

User:AllanAokage tries his hand

  • Time Seal - It was part of an infinite loop with Mask of Darkness and Tsukuyomi which, in essence, prevented the opponent from drawing. Normally used with cards such as Don Zaloog to destroy the opponent's hand, Heavy Storm to remove their spells/traps etc.
  • Chaos Sorcerer - It's just pretty powerful. On the other hand, it's not overly broken: I presume that it was unbanned because they believed it was "balanced" in the current metagame.
  • United We Stand - Summon any monster at all, then activate Scapegoat. You have a >4000 attack power monster to you at your discretion.
  • Magician of Faith - I'm not sure about this one: I believe it was considered too powerful to be left Limited.

AllanAokage 12:03, March 20, 2010 (UTC)

My hypothesis about Magician of Faith

Too easy to get an additional Heavy Storm, Monster Reborn or any spell card limited or semi-limited. And very searchable, including Apprentice Magician >_< Elzam 12:24, March 23, 2010 (UTC)

My opinion

My opinion about them, the forbidden monsters;

  • Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning - Has no limited of which type of monster you removed (as of Dark and Light to special summon this from hand only) and has one power to remove monster, reckless it position and it face (Down and up) and has a power to attack double if there are two monsters.
  • Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End - Like BLS for summon effect, and required 1000 LP to "explode" the field that make an endgame or turned the game into "Yata Lockdown" pattern if get correct cards earlier in the game.
  • Cyber-Stein - Pay 5000 for ANY kind of NON-Nomi Fusion Monsters, included Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. This was an idea for Ultimate OTK... just read the article about it.
  • Cyber Jar - Free Dark Hole and Monsters Summon/Hand Advantage, it can also increase chance for CED's bomb effect.
  • Dark Magician of Chaos - He's banned due to Dimension Fusion and Imperial Iron Wall combine (separate, not together). Any time he is summon, you gain a spell you want from your own Graveyard, which pointed to limited/banned spell cards for most answer.
  • Dark Strike Fighter - No matter which level 7 you used, you just attack the clear opponent's life and during Main Phase 2, tribute his friend then himself afterward to murder your opponent. So that make other OTK or FTK (second turn) moves.
  • Destiny Hero - Disk Commander - Draw Power with load of revive cards, not only by spell/trap, also by monster (Zombie Master and Il Blud)
  • Fiber Jar - Reset field and hand, give you advantage so you can gain free directly attack if you play it right.
  • Magical Scientist - pay 1000 to summon crap Fusion Monsters, then watch it blast away to your opponent via Catapult Turtle or Synchro Summon. (gasp!)
  • Magician of Faith - Weak version of DMoC, but can be reusing as many time as possible, due to it being FLIP monster. Hell, she can stall your opponent over and over with Swords of Revealing Light as long as possible if you get them in first hand.
  • Makyura the Destructor - Blahblah, make trap cards activate as soon as he's dead or threw out. He's great in Exchange of the Spirit, or Draw Power Deck (Exodia) and Ring Destruction OTK with Blowback Dragon.
  • Sinister Serpent - Free Revive to hand and free fodder for big guns, like XYZ combine and few other that required discard from hand.
  • Thousand-Eyes Restrict - Hard monster, and only one to freeze the field except himself, make it much worst, he can su-DEVOUR the monster and take it power for himself. And once he get hit (maybe by unaffected monster that can attacking) he will just give up monster he devoured first.
  • Tribe-Infecting Virus - Discard 1 card and declare type, do many time in one turn and watch your opponent's monster disappeared into graveyard, like Dark Hole. Blaaaaah.
  • Victory Dragon - Hit your opponent with his/her LP lower than this monster's ATK and net you 2/3 match easily, and only against one opponent, but this one required to be in Dragon, due to it effect, blah!
  • Witch of the Black Forest - Easily Jinzo to your hand, easily any Monarch to your hand, easily Ryko to your hand. No matter what you do, destroy, offer, tribute her from the field to make her effect activate.
  • Yata-Garasu - A fiend wind bird... hm, that could make your opponent feel mercy for no hand AND field, if you have done the sinister combine to get that happening and never used up Normal Summon except for him.

--FredCat100 12:43, March 23, 2010 (UTC)