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  • Tracker
Japanese translated
  • Hunt Goto
Japaneseとう ハント
Base後藤 ハント
Furiganaごとう ハント
RōmajiGotō Hanto
  • Fourth-grade
  • Sixth-grade (finale timeskip)
  • Male
  • Career
  • Education
SchoolGoha #2 Elementary
  • Duelist
Tournament Position
Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal Did not place (with Professor Diggs and Trench)
DeckNouveau Riche Dinosaur
Anime debutYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0099: "Dino Detours"
Appears in
Voice actors
  • Luis Alfonso[1]
  • Risae Matsuda

Tracker, known as Hunt Goto (とう ハント Gotō Hanto) in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. He is a fourth-grade student at Goha #2 Elementary, and he is a member of the Duel Dinosaur Club under Professor Diggs. Due to his ability to reveal valuables by sneezing, he is enlisted by Nail Saionji to aid Yuga and his friends in the Goha #6 Elementary arc, but his inherent greed later leads him to become a minor antagonist.



Full-body view of Tracker.

Tracker is a short young boy with grey hair and light brown eyes. He wears stereotypical explorer's clothing; a light tan shirt, khaki pants, a brown belt with a steel buckle, calf-length light tan socks, and brown hiking boots in addition to a green hard hat with a dinosaur face print. He later wears a large brown backpack to carry supplies when rescuing Yuga and his friends from the Mutsuba mine and switches a golden hat in the Team Battle Royal arc.

After becoming wealthy from his sale of Maximum Monsters, Tracker buys extravagant golden clothing and jewelery and dyes his hair blonde. He wears an orange-yellow shirt, and orange fur-lined jacket, yellow fur-lined pants and solid gold shoes with the toes turned up. He also accessorises with a gold Roman-style helmet printed with his hardhat's dinosaur face print, gold rings on each finger, a gold necklace, and a belt with a gold "H" buckle. He switches back to his previous outfit after being defeated by Yuga, though he retains the gold hat, though he later returns to these gaudy clothes in the finale timeskip.


Tracker is the most outwardly eager of his friends, but also the most greedy and duplicitous, as he chuckled over Yuga being foolish enough to tell them where The Relic was. Later, he strip-mined the Mutsuba mine with the assistance of Goha 66 and and sold the Maximum Monsters he had found there, but made sure to only sell one at a time to unsuspecting Duelists so they wouldn't have a complete set, while also using a Maximum designed to counter normal monsters. Once he became wealthy from selling the cards, he became significantly arrogant and viewed himself as above his friends and the ramen store they had once sincerely enjoyed due to his newfound wealth. He tends to panic when any deception of his is discovered, both when his and his friends' plan to exploit Gossie is revealed and when his backpack bursts in the Mutsuba mine, revealing that he had already scavenged Duel Disks for Yuga. He was disappointed when Gossie turned out to be a myth and annoyed that Yuga's Road had been responsible.

Although Tracker was defeated by Yuga, he still valued money above all else and this eventually led him to fight with his friends. Tracker later openly expresses contempt for noble virtues like justice, cynically believing the world has no room for them and seeing nothing wrong with using a Duel Card Manufacturer for immoral purposes.

When Nail Saionji enlisted Tracker's assistance to find the Duel Disk cache in the Mutsuba mine, Tracker proved to be helpful and resourceful. He shows himself to be somewhat humble and embarrassed when his sneezing ability is praised, though he takes issue with Luke's name for it.


In both versions, Tracker's name seems to be drawn from his unique ability to sneeze in the presence of valuable artifacts. His full name in Japanese order "Goto Hunt" also mimics「ゴッドハンド」("God Hand"), the nickname of archaeologist Shinichi Fujimura, whose discoveries were exposed as forgeries by newspaper Mainichi Shimbun (the inspiration for Tracker's Rush Duel with Scoop Pitman).


According to his friends, Tracker has a unique ability to unearth valuable fossils and other artifacts; sneezing in their presence. Luke terms this "sneezcavation", a name that Tracker himself is not entirely comfortable with. However, this is limited to objects underground; Tracker himself noted that it was useless for finding the "Fusion" cards that were drawn in by the Goha Meteor Shower.


Birth of Rush Duels[edit]

After hearing about the appearance of Gossie in Goha City, Tracker, Trench and Diggs decided to search for it and use it to create their own Jurassic Duel World. After stopping at the Ramen Hut, they encountered Yuga Ohdo, Lucidien "Luke" Kallister, Romin Kassidy and Gavin Sogetsu, who were also looking for Gossie using Yuga's modified Goha Enterprises Drone Kaizo. Trench introduced the Duel Dinosaur Club to Yuga and his friends, and Tracker was pleased to meet the creator of Rush Dueling. Trench suggested that they work together to find Gossie, though in reality they planned to use Yuga and his friends to find Gossie and then find it first themselves. After several fruitless stops, Yuga's friends finally determined that Gossie could be at the location of the Relic where Yuga had installed Rush Duels, though Luke left them before they headed to it. Tracker, Trench and Diggs reconvened in a bathroom to discuss their plans, unaware that Luke was in the same bathroom, and he confronted them and revealed their plans to Yuga, Gavin and Romin. Despite the group's treachery, Yuga was still willing to tell them where the Relic was if Diggs could defeat him in a Rush Duel. During the Duel, Yuga stated that he didn't believe Diggs to be someone who would exploit dinosaurs, and Tracker suggested they check the construction site where Gossie was rumored to have first appeared, but Yuga abruptly tried to stop them from looking, though Luke eagerly joined forces with the Duel Dinosaur Club. Yuga defeated Diggs, but the group decided to check the construction site anyway, only to learn that "Gossie" had been nothing more than heating pipes and a noise produced by one of Yuga's "Roads", much to Tracker's anger. To make it up to them, Yuga brought the Duel Dinosaur Club to where the Relic had been, and Tracker sneezed, uncovering seven previously unseen symbols carved in the floor.[2] Yuga had Tracker and his friends help him analyze the symbols, and they deduced from them overlapping that they formed the logo of Big Seven Arena. Yuga theorized that the Relic would appear there on the next full moon, and he was invited to the location for a RoaRomin concert.[3]

The Relic appeared at the Big Seven Arena as Yuga had predicted, during his Duel with Roa Kassidy, and Tracker, Trench , and Diggs immediately entered the room to examine the Relic, though they retreated into the audience when it began to project Otes. Otes explained he had chosen Yuga to become the King of Duels at the 666th Goha Dueling Tournament and cleared up the legality of "Sevens Road Magician", which he had given to Yuga at the event and whose legality had been in question due to Roa's actions. Yuga and Roa continued their Duel with the right to the title on the line, and Roa pushed Yuga into a corner, but Yuga was able to defeat Roa, and the Relic retreated into the ground after the Duel.[3]


Some time after Yuga and Roa's Duel, Tracker received a penalty on his Duel Disk while he was at a dig with Diggs and Trench.[4] They went to the Road Laboratory, where Yuga explained that they and all his other friends had been penalized due to his challenge by Goha Duel Overseer Nail Saionji to retrieve the data of Kaizo, and if anyone in Yuga's group of friends lost a Duel, they would all be penalized and their accounts deleted if they received six penalties. The penalty had occurred when Mimi Imimi was defeated by her son Yosh, as Mimi had inadvertently become considered one of Yuga's friends. Despite the circumstances, everyone present agreed to help Yuga, given that all of their accounts were on the line, but then Yuga, Luke and Gavin were dropped into a pit leading to the Garden of Curiosity, with Romin and Saburamen also falling in.[5]

Tracker later received four more penalties on his Duel Disk.[6] Tracker was at a dig with Diggs and Trench when they watched Yuga and Nail's Maximum Monsters, "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" and "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor" battling, calling the clash an earth-shattering Jurassic. After being forced to return his Maximum to his Deck, Yuga was pushed into a corner and reminded of the stakes of the match, which reminded Tracker that his account would be deleted if Yuga lost the Rush Duel due to his five penalties. He was overjoyed when Yuga was able to re-Maximum Summon "Magnum Overlord" again and when Yuga defeated Nail, who erased the penalties on Tracker's Duel Disk after the Rush Duel.[7]

Goha #6 Elementary[edit]

Tracker, Diggs and Trench came to the Rush Duel Training Camp with Saburamen, Sushiko, Briscoe, and the Dueling Insects Club from Goha #5 Elementary. That night Yuga told them about his encounter with Asana Mutsuba, who Diggs deduced was likely from Goha #6 Elementary's Heavy Cavalry Duel Club, and Tracker and Trench told Yuga, Luke and Gavin about their previous issues with them. They were then interrupted by Romin and Sushiko fighting over the remote, and Tracker, Trench and Diggs wisely sidled away until the matter was over, but they returned when Briscoe had finished cooking.[8] They left the cabin on the second day of the camp.[9]

Tracker was later contacted by Nail, who asked him to go with Kaizo to help Yuga find a cache of prototype Duel Disks hidden in a mine on the outskirts of Goha City. Tracker and Kaizo found Yuga, Romin, Luke, Gavin, and Rayne and Rino just as Romin was about to drink from a puddle in the mine, and Tracker urgently stopped her, explaining that mine water sometimes contained toxic substances. Romin was quite thankful to Tracker for saving them, as he had brought water with him for them and after Kaizo played Nail's message that explained he hadn't provided Asana with her Maximum Monsters, Tracker sniffed around the mineshaft and eventually sneezed, opening an entrance into an underground hallway.[10] Luke praised Tracker's sneezing ability as they moved through the tunnels, eventually arriving at the Heavy Cavalry Colosseum where Schubel Quill, Pidgetrap and Galian Townsend of the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club were waiting for them. Galian challenged them to a Duel to prevent them passing, but passed out from exhaustion and Rayne took his place, Dueling Rino, who ended their Duel in a DRAW.[11] As there had been no victor, Schubel insisted on another Duel, which Luke accepted, though he instead Dueled Pidgetrap. Tracker was concerned for Luke during the Duel, both due to how gullible he was and the effect Pidgetrap's Trap Cards had on him, but Luke eventually defeated Pidgetrap, allowing them to pass.[12]

Tracker eventually led them to the mine, though he almost fell off a ledge due to not looking where he was going and had to be caught by Yuga and Luke, though it proved to be a small fall. Tracker quickly uncovered a prototype Duel Disk, and after Yuga and Tracker dug up enough prototype Duel Disks for Yuga to extract three Duel ID cards and add them to his Deck, Luke tried to get Tracker to find more. Asana and the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club then arrived and she confirmed that she had made her Maximum from the ID cards in the mine, informing them that most of the Duel ID cards in the Duel Disks couldn't be used due to their age. Asana challenged Yuga to a Rush Duel, agreeing to allow the students of Goha #6 Elementary to Rush Duel freely if she lost, but with the condition that Rush Dueling would be banned at all elementary schools in Goha City if she won. Yuga was barely able to fend off "Wyrm Excavator the Heavy Cavalry Draco", and Asana revealed that she knew Yuga was planning on using Nail's "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor" against her and urged him to Summon it. After Tracker's bag split open and revealed the Duel Disks they'd already opened inside it, Yuga confirmed that he'd added the three Duel ID cards to his Deck and was gambling on being able to recreate "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord". To Tracker's joy, Yuga succeeded in drawing and Maximum Summoning "Magnum Overlord", powering it up and attacking "Wyrm Excavator". However, Asana was able to make the ATK of their Maximum Monsters equal, and as they destroyed one another Tracker noticed that Asana and Yuga's Maximum cards were beginning to disintegrate; Gavin ruling that whoever's Maximum was destroyed first would take the ATK of the other.[13] Both Maximums ended up disintegrating at the same time, allowing the Duel to continue, though Tracker was embarrassed by Luke lamenting over the fragments of the destroyed cards. During the Duel, Asana revealed that she had made a deal with Goha Enterprises to have the parts for Heavy Cavalry remanufactured if she successfully crushed Rush Dueling when R6 began to break down. Yuga was able to defeat Asana, also revealing that the mine contained R0, a Mobile Duel Device created and modified by Mutsuba Heavy Machinery, which convinced the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club to allow their vehicles to be modified.[14]

Team Battle Royal[edit]

After the Duel between Yuga and Asana, Tracker decided to return to the mine in the hope of finding more Duel ID cards to convert into Maximum Monsters. As he was sneezing to uncover more prototype Duel Disks, he was approached by Goha 66, who offered to help Tracker excavate the Duel Disks if he was able to help him. Tracker agreed to make a deal with Goha 66, and they soon uncovered most of the Duel Disks in the mine. Tracker, Trench and Diggs began selling the Maximum Monsters to other children after converting them from the Duel ID cards and Tracker obtained one of his own; "Dynamic Dino Dynamix", but they only sold the other children a single Maximum Monster each to prevent them from obtaining a full set.[15]

After the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal was announced, Luke dragged Tracker to the Abandoned Dorm, an entrance to the mine, which he had dubbed "Maximum Mountain" in the hope that Tracker would help him find Maximum Monsters after getting permission from the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club, though Tracker had to deflect Luke's suspicions of his new gold hardhat. Luke admitted that Yuga wasn't planning on entering the tournament, though he wasn't sure why. When Luke and Tracker entered the mineshaft, they found themselves surrounded by lights that made the shaft appear to be outer space, which had been strung up by Goha #5 Elementary's Duelstronauts. Their leader, Booster Page, was also hoping to find Maximum Monsters in the mine, and he challenged Asana to a Rush Duel for the right to excavate there; Asana agreed, but instead had him Duel Luke. Although Booster gave Luke some trouble, he was eventually able to defeat Booster. As Romin and Gavin arrived, they all realized why Yuga had refused to enter the tournament, and Asana permitted them all to dig in the mine, with Luke inviting the Duelstronauts to join them. As Tracker and Goha 66 had already excavated most of the Duel Disks in the mine, the excavation ended in failure; Tracker kept his role in the matter secret.[15][16]

Due to the wealth he made from selling Maximum Monsters, Tracker rose in standing amongst his friends and they registered for the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal as "Team Treasure Trackers" instead of by their club name.[15][17] Once the tournament began, Tracker, Trench and Diggs's team quickly rose to third in the rankings due to their Maximum Monsters. Tracker, Trench and Diggs visited the Ramen Hut, where the members of the other two high-ranked teams were having ramen; Yuga, Nail, Roa, Luke, Romin and Gavin. Tracker challenged Yuga to a Rush Duel, unwilling to Duel Nail due to his own Maximum Monsters or Roa as they were unfamiliar with his Deck. Tracker made swift use of his "Jurassic World" and "Sneezing Greedizauls" to reduce Yuga's LP, but found his strategy easily picked apart by Yuga's "Ice Age Catapult". Fortunately for Tracker he drew his Maximum Monsters on his next turn and Maximum Summoned "Dynamix", almost defeating Yuga, though he was able to survive by reducing the ATK of "Dynamix". Rayne then arrived and revealed that Tracker and his friends had been distributing the Maximums, having purchased one from him in disguise, and Diggs and Trench confessed what they had done despite the gifts that Tracker had given them. Tracker didn't see what was wrong with his actions (despite Luke's anger over them) and discarded his friends, claiming that his business would skyrocket if he defeated Yuga. He believed that his Maximum assured his victory, but to his shock Yuga revealed that he had obtained one too; from the card Rayne had bought, another that Roa had been given by one of Tracker's customers who happened to be a fan of Roa's, and a single card that Asana had recovered from Maximum Mountain. He Maximum Summoned "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan", using its effects to reduce the ATK of "Dynamix" and inflict damage to Tracker, then defeat "Dynamix" and Tracker. After the Duel, Tracker and his friends apologized, though Tracker still believed that money was more important than Dueling. Luke told them to hand over their remaining Maximums, but Tracker admitted they'd sold them all and revealed the deal he'd made with Goha 66.[15]

Despite their efforts, Diggs, Tracker and Trench failed to place in the tournament, so they attended the finals of the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal on the third day, Tracker switching back to his usual clothes. They watched Romin's victory against Roa and Gavin's Duel against Nail, where Tracker was shocked by Gavin's new "DJ G" persona. Faced with "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor", Gavin eventually returned to his normal persona after a power outage in the stadium and forced a DRAW, leaving Yuga and Luke to have a final Duel.[18][19]

Tracker watched Yuga and Luke's Rush Duel, stunned when Yuga Maximum Summoned "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan" against Luke. Afterwards the power in the stadium began to fail again, revealed to be due to the Goha Duel Server being hacked, and Tracker witnessed the revelation of the Goha Duel Server on the moon and the Rush Duel Program contained within, under attack by Goha Enterprises Drones that were uninstalling it and had been all tournament.[20] Despite knowing their Duel would complete the uninstallation, Yuga and Luke continued to Duel, Tracker and his friends shocked by the crowd's support for their Duel. Luke eventually won, resulting in the uninstallation of Rush Dueling, but Yuga and Nail were able to reinstall the program and install it in the Super Rush Robot to protect it from another attack. Tracker then watched Luke's coronation as King of Duels.[21]

Goha 6 Siblings[edit]

The true Goha Presidents, the Goha Six, returned to Earth, evicted the current president, Mimi Imimi, and challenged Yuga and his friends to Rush Duels with the Super Rush Robot held hostage by Forcersizers that would shake it apart unless Yuga defeated the six siblings.[22] Tracker was in Goha City one night with Diggs, Trench, Saburamen, Sushiko, Briscoe and the Duelstronauts when he watched the Rush Duel between Yuga and The Lukeman, including Yuo Goha's rage after he believed Yuga and The Lukeman weren't taking the Duel seriously. To Tracker's shock a meteor entered the atmosphere and plunged towards Yuga, having been dragged in by the Goha Meteor Shower, and Yuga blocked the meteor with his Duel Disk, acquiring the "Fusion" card contained within it and using it to defeat The Lukeman, saving the Super Rush Robot.[23]

Goha Employee[edit]

Following Yuga's Rush Duel with The Lukeman, several "Fusion" cards feel over Goha City, having been contained in destroyed Goha satellites caught in the Goha Meteor Shower. Tracker was unable to acquire one of them and began arguing with Diggs and Trench to the point the Duel Dinosaur Club was on the verge of disbandment. Having heard about the hiring of Yuga and his friends at Goha Enterprises, Tracker visited Luke and brought him, Swirls, Yosh and the Goha #7 Elementary Newspaper Club to an underground stairway where he could smell money, hoping to make a business arrangement with Luke. His plan proved fruitful, as they discovered an abandoned Goha factory containing a Duel Card Manufacturer. After they made their own display sample cards, Tracker asked Scoop Pitman if the machine could be modified to create modern Duel Monsters cards, hoping to use it to create more Maximum Monsters and "Fusions" in tandem with Luke's "Luke Division". Scoop admitted the machine likely could do so, but insisted Tracker doing so would be immoral and after Trackered popped Yosh's cosplay suit he challenged Scoop to a Rush Duel. Scoop revealed five of Tracker's Dinosaur monsters from the top of his Deck with "Printing Presser" on his first turn and sent them to the bottom of his Deck, but this gave Tracker the chance to use his "Ritzy King Rex" combo to draw and Maximum Summon "Dynamic Dino Dynamix". Tracker easily destroyed all of Scoop's cards and depleted most of his LP, but Scoop declared he would reveal the truth and to Tracker's shock he Fusion Summoned "Newsflash the Journalistic Juggernaut", using "Hot Off the Press" to reveal Tracker's Dinosaurs from the bottom of his Deck and inflict damage to him for each, then return them to the top of Tracker's Deck to ensure the effect of "Newsflash" would deplete the ATK of "Dynamix" enough for it to destroy. Defeated, Tracker lamented that he just wanted to pursue a luxury dream and Luke suggested Tracker work with him. To everyone's shock, the ceiling caved in and destroyed the Duel Card Manufacturer, something Luke noted was for the best. Tracker tried to admit his admiration of Luke's decision, but was knocked out by a falling metal bowl.[24]

A Zombie Party recreation time event was planned at Goha Enterprises, and after Tracker was "zombified" he lay in wait in the evacuation Drone to catch any escapees off guard, successfully catching Yuo Goha this way. However his efforts crashed the Drone, and Tracker admitted he'd got so caught up in his act he'd almost died for real, prompting Yuo to go on a tirade about how they couldn't take recreation time without his permission.[25]

King of Duels[edit]

Two years after Yuga's disappearance into space, Diggs and Trench had graduated to Goha #8 Middle School and Tracker had become the president of the Goha #2 Elementary Student Council. Though he believed the elementary school Dueling world would belong to him, Yosh Imimi, having become president of the Goha #7 Elementary, arrived to deal with the fools who pillage the elementary world. Despite their contest, they were sharing ice-creams by the evening, and Tracker admitted it had been lonely without the others and wondered if they had been doing well. Yosh suggested they hurry up and become middle schoolers as well, and Tracker eagerly commented that Luke was probably still the same even in middle school, though Yosh noted that he wasn't. Tracker later went to Goha Harbor to witness Yuga's return to Earth.[26]


Tracker uses a Nouveau Riche Dinosaur Deck. In comparison to his friend Professor Diggs's Deck, his purely contains Dinosaur Type monsters and his monsters are generally LIGHT Attribute and adorned with fancy jewelry, reflecting Tracker's materialistic nature. His strategy reflects this as well, as he "lends" LP to his opponent with "Upstart Goblin" before taking it back with the effect of his "Sneezing Greedizauls".

After excavating in Maximum Mountain, Tracker acquires his own Maximum Monsters, forming "Dynamic Dino Dynamix", whose effects are based around enduring normal cards and rely on the notion that very few people have complete Maximum Monsters, due to Tracker giving out the rest of his stock a single card at a time. Tracker makes use of several draw effects to help him draw the pieces of "Dynamix".

Owned cards[edit]


Opponent Episode(s) Outcome
20 unknown Duelists 45 Win (off-screen; with Professor Diggs and Trench)
Yuga Ohdo 45 Lose
Scoop Pitman 72 Lose


  1. @luisalfonso_va (July 15, 2022). "A little late to the twitter party but 🚨 JURASSIC ALERT 🚨 Happy to announce I'll be the English voice for dino loving "Tracker" as well as a few others, in the all new series #yugiohsevens , streaming NOW on #hulu and #disneyxd #yugioh" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0099: "Dino Detours"
  3. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01313: "The Chosen One"
  4. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02020: "What Makes a Hero a Hero?"
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02121: "A Taste of Space"
  6. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02424: "Helping a Friend"
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02626: "The Final Nail"
  8. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02828: "Training Camp"
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02929: "Heavy Duty Duel"
  10. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03535: "Demolition Duel"
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03636: "Sibling Showdown"
  12. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03737: "Coocoo Duel"
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03838: "Maximum Risk"
  14. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03939: "Breaking Tradition"
  15. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04545: "Treasure Trackers"
  16. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04242: "All About Space"
  17. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04343: "Change of Plans"
  18. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04949: "Battle of the Band"
  19. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05050: "DJ G!"
  20. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05151: "Battle Royal Revelations"
  21. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05252: "Battle Royal Finale"
  22. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05454: "Turbo Rush Duel!"
  23. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06767: "Rise of the Superhero"
  24. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07272: "Stop the Presses!"
  25. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07474: "Rush Ghoul"
  26. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 09292: "End of the Road"


  1. A second copy of this card is placed from Tracker's hand on the bottom of the Deck to activate the effect of "Sneezing Greedizauls" in episode 45. Later, a third copy of this card is sent from the top of Tracker's Deck to the Graveyard by the effect of "Sneezing Greedizauls" during the same episode.
  2. a b This card is excavated from the top of Tracker's Deck by the effect of "Printing Presser" in episode 72.
  3. a b A second copy of this card is excavated from the top of Tracker's Deck by the effect of "Printing Presser" in episode 72.
  4. This card is sent from Tracker's hand to the Graveyard to activate "Dinosaur Crush" in episode 72.
  5. This card is created by rewriting a blank Duel ID card between episode 40 and episode 42. Later, this card is bought by Rayne Nanahoshi in disguise in episode 45.
  6. This card is created by rewriting a blank Duel ID card between episode 40 and episode 42. Later, this card is bought by one of Roa Kassidy's fangirls at some point before episode 45.