Mrs. Drone

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Mrs. Drone
Mrs. Drone
  • Mrs. Drone
Japanese translated
  • Proprietress
  • Female
  • Career
OrganizationGoha Enterprises
Anime debutYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05252: "Battle Royal Finale"
Appears in
Voice actors
  • Mari Kawano
Drone, Mrs.

Mrs. Drone, known as Proprietress (かみ Okami) in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. She is a Goha Enterprises Drone who works for the Goha Six, and owner of the Goha 6 Michelin Drone Restaurant.



Full-body view of Mrs. Drone.

Mrs. Drone is a brown, spherical Goha Enterprises Drone with a blue screen that serves as her face. Her face contains rectangular eyes, with glasses under them, along with eye lashes. She also sport a purple tuft of curly hair and wears a cylindrical beige kimono with a bright-red obi.

She often alters her holographic faces to suit the situation. For her and Yuran's Kendo Rush Duel with Gavin Sogetsu and Rino Nanahoshi, she projects a kendo helmet over her normal face. To fit in with The Lukeman's fantasy, her glasses becomes star shaped instead of rectangular and she wears star-tipped antennae.


Mrs. Drone acts like a grandmother and caretaker for the Goha Six, mainly Yuran Goha. She can be seen reminding him that he needs to eat his breakfast. She is brash and confident in Yuran's skills, often speaking for him in a Duel until he is ready to counterattack.


Team Battle Royal[edit]

After the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal, Mrs. Drone and the Goha Six returned to Earth in Star Six.[1]

Goha 6 Siblings[edit]

When they arrived back at Earth, Mrs. Drone and the Goha Six learned of Rush Dueling, a Dueling format that had been installed in defiance of Goha Enterprises and whose program was contained within the Super Rush Robot on the moon. Yuo came up with a plan to destroy the robot by affixing Forcersizers to it that would force it to continuously move, but in the interests of fairness the Goha Six would challenge the format's creator, Yuga Ohdo, and his friends to Rush Duels to give them a chance to deactivate them. After they activated the Forcersizers, Goha Space Elementary was struck by space debris, forcing the Goha Six to return to Earth.[2]

The Goha Six returned to Goha City, introducing themselves to the citizens and ousting current presidential substitute Mimi Imimi. They challenged Yuga and his friends, warning Yuga that he would become a Goha employee if he lost and Yuro Dueled first, challenging Yuga to a Turbo Rush Duel. Yuro was defeated by Yuga, and Yuo called a presidential meeting. To Mrs. Drone's surprise, Yuo suggested Yuro step down for his failure, and Yuro accepted responsibility for his loss and resigned, enrolling at Goha #7 Elementary.[2][3]

The following day Yujin was training on a treadmill, determined to avenge his brother's loss, while Mrs. Drone urged Yuran to eat, telling him that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Yujin ended up running so fast he destroyed the treadmill and ran out of Star Six. The next day Yujin went to Goha #7 Elementary to Rush Duel Yuga, now calling himself a man of the sea. As Yuga couldn't swim in the artificial sea Nail Saionji had provided for Yujin, Yujin Rush Dueled Lucidien "Luke" Kallister instead and was defeated. After Yujin resigned, Mrs. Drone asked if Yuran would Duel next, but Yuka volunteered to Duel instead.[3] Mrs. Drone and Yuo watched Yuka's Rush Duel with Romin Kassidy from Star Six, surprised that the Rush Duel Club had been at the baseball tryouts, and Yuo explained to them that Yuka had bought the Goha Monsters because she believed every president should own a baseball team. Yuka defeated Romin, and Mrs. Drone celebrated their team finally getting a point as Yuran quietly agreed.[4]

With Yuran up next to Rush Duel, and aware that Gavin Sogetsu was substituting for his school's Kendo Club that weekend, Mrs. Drone and Yuran went to the Goha Martial Arts Stadium to wait for the Rush Duel Club. When Yuran arrived he challenged all the tournament participants to a kendo match and struck them all down in an instant, then had their beaten bodies left outside. Gavin, Rayne and Rino Nanahoshi, Yuga, Luke, Romin, Kaizo, Shinken Tsurugi and Kotetsuki Mendo arrived to find only Mrs. Drone and Yuran there. Mrs. Drone brushed Kaizo aside after he tried to ask Yuran what was happening and proudly declared they would all bear witness to Yuran, necessitating Yuran to tell her off for being too loud. With the challenge of a Kendo Rush Duel announced, Gavin stepped up to accept, claiming that only his Sogetsu Style could match Yuran in such a Duel, and he had Rino square off against Mrs. Drone for the kendo segment of the Duel, with Nail refereeing. For most of the Duel Yuran played passively, making his moves at the suggestion of Mrs. Drone while analyzing how Gavin spoke and acted. During the Duel Swirls arrived with Ryu Nito, one of the kendo players Yuran had cut down, and Yuran told Mrs. Drone that he had finished obtaining his information and took over the Duel completely to prepare his counterattack. As Gavin had inflicted severe damage to Yuran with "Kimeruler the Dark Raider", Yuran countered by destroying "Kimeruler" and Tribute Setting "Millennium Shield" with the intention of baiting Gavin into switching it into Attack Position, allowing Yuran to counterattack with "Sword & Shield". Gavin Summoned "Kimeluna the Lunar Dark Decider" on his next turn and claimed he'd seen through Yuran's strategy, briefly throwing Yuran off, but Gavin instead prevented Yuran from using Trap Cards on his LP and from destroying his monsters, allowing Yuran to successfully spring his counterattack after Gavin used the effect of "Kimeluna" to change "Millennium Shield" into Attack Position. Mrs. Drone explained to everyone that this was how Yuran Dueled as he defeated Gavin decisively, Mrs. Drone simultaneously disarming Rino, giving the Goha Six two points. Mrs. Drone and Yuran left afterwards, Mrs. Drone congratulating Yuran.[5]

Mrs. Drone, Yuran, Yuka, and Yuo watched footage of Yuran's Duel, Yuo admitting he was surprised Yuran had won. Yuka accused Yuo of being disappointed they'd won and left with Mrs. Drone and Yuran.[6] After Yuo defeated Yuga with his new "Fusion" Spell Card, he gloated over his victory at breakfast the following day and his claim that he was at the top of Goha Enterprises alerted Mrs. Drone and Yuran to Yuo's true motives; he was using the Duels with Yuga and his friends to get rid of his siblings and seize power for himself as the sole Goha President. The ship was then struck by Yuga's Blowvinator as Yuro returned to the ship, and while Yuo went to intercept Yuga, Luke, Romin and Gavin, Mrs. Drone and Yuran found Yuro. Yuran deduced Yuro was trying to determine the goals of both Yuo and Yuga and reassured him he was still their elder brother, informing Yuro that Yuo's "Fusion" card had been in the debris that struck Goha Space Elementary. After Yuro helped Yuga and his friends escape Star Six, Yuka returned and Mrs. Drone and Yuran noticed her sampling Romin's Prima Guitarna Curry.[7]

Mrs. Drone and Yuran informed Yuka of Yuo's plan, though the Goha Six still continued their challenge against Yuga and his friends and Yuka Dueled again, this time Dueling Romin's cousin Roa Kassidy. During the Duel Yuka injured her shoulder, and Mrs. Drone realized in worry Yuka had been pitching too often in Earth's gravity after Yuo expressed little concern for his sister. Yuka yelled to Yuo that the Goha Six were the six of them together, vowing to win the match, but she was defeated by Roa and stripped of her position, leaving Yuran the last remaining president alongside Yuo.[8]

Realizing the danger Yuo posed, Yuran called a meeting with his other siblings at Goha #7 Elementary, and Mrs. Drone accompanied him, but she had been hacked by Yuo and forced to rely the conversation. Although Yuran suggested allying with Yuga rather than continuing to Duel him, Yuro and Yujin both refused as they believed Yuo to be their problem to solve. Yuka warned Yuran he would be Dueling next and that Yuo would expect him to be defeated, so Yuran decided to disappear when it was time to Duel. Yuran's plan worked; Yuo was forced to Duel instead, and he was defeated by Luke, wearing a draconian helmet and calling himself "The Lukeman" who also used "Fusion". After Yuo retreated to Star Six, Yuran confronted him and stripped him of his badge for losing, reminding him he wouldn't have been able to claim power without the sixth sibling's badge. He attempted to reinstate Yuro, Yuka and Yujin, but to Yuo revealed he had the sixth badge of the Goha Six, retaining the right to be Goha President, and he took Yuran's badge for conspiring with former presidents, revealing his hacking of Mrs. Drone before dropping Yuran down a trapdoor while keeping Mrs. Drone.[9]

Mrs. Drone escaped from Star Six and fled to Yuga's Road Laboratory, crashing into the ground and begging Yuga to fix her. She thanked Yuga after he succeeded, but to her shock Luke appeared on a holoscreen and claimed to be the sixth of the Goha Six, something Mrs. Drone angrily called him a hooligan for. Luke Rush Dueled Roa, who had snuck into the Goha Enterprises Main Office, and defeated him.[10] Yuran was freed after Luke defeated Roa and he reconvened with Mrs. Drone, Yuro, Yujin, and Yuka at the Road Laboratory, where they asked for Yuga's help in stopping Yuo, Mrs. Drone reminding the Goha Six they could trust Yuga given he'd fixed her. Fortunately the Rush Duel Club agreed they at least needed to stop Luke, whose sister Tiadosia "Tiger" Kallister confirmed wasn't a Goha.[11]

Yuga came to Mrs. Drone and the other Goha Six and explained that he believed The Lukeman, who had appeared again and been taken away by Yuo, to be an electronic lifeform created from Luke's The Lukeman manga that had created the "Fusion" cards from Program storage cards in the Goha satellites that Nail had destroyed as a child. As Yuga believed The Lukeman simply desired to fuse with Luke and fight evil as they had in the manga, he tasked Mrs. Drone, the Goha Six and Mimi with helping him achieve that goal by preparing costumes for a scenario where Yuga would pretend to be part of an empire from Luke's manga before revealing himself as an ally to The Lukeman, The Yugaman, and during which his friends could do so as well, while the Goha Six would play the part of the aggressors to continue a Rush Duel between Yuga and The Lukeman so the Super Rush Robot could still be saved. They did as he asked, arriving during the Rush Duel between "Yuga the Destructor" and The Lukeman to explain Yuga's plan to the Rush Duel Club and Heavy Cavalry Duel Club. Mrs. Drone provided the costumes for everyone during the Duel, including The Lukeman's Ultimate Form, Yuga the Destructor, The Yugaman, and the Gohalien costumes the Goha Six wore.[12] Mrs. Drone and the Goha Six held "The Rockin' Romin" hostage to keep The Lukeman from abandoning the Rush Duel once Yuga convinced him they were allies. After Yuga destroyed The☆Lukeman's "Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F" with "Ultimate Flag Mech Ace Breaker", The Lukeman returned three Spells from his Graveyard to his Deck and increased their LP, prompting Yuo to throw off his costume in a rage and ask if they were Dueling seriously. The Lukeman's real plan had been to return "Fusion" to his Deck and draw it again, and he Fusion Summoned "Full Moon Dragon Umbrlancer F", reviving "Dragiastar F" and almost defeating Yuga. Yuga revived "Sevens Road Magician" on his next turn, but The Lukeman returned the monsters in Yuga's Graveyard to his Deck to prevent him using the effect of "Sevens Road", forcing Yuga to gamble with "1/Infinity", which would damage him enough to lose if he and The Lukeman didn't draw the same card. Unfortunately The Lukeman drew "Fusion" again, which Yuga didn't have, but then a meteor entered the atmosphere and plunged towards Yuga, and Yuga blocked it with his Duel Disk. Mrs. Drone and the Goha Six realized it had been one of the satellites containing "Fusion" and were proven correct when Yuga drew it, Fusion Summoning "Sevens Paladin", which could gain ATK for monsters in both Graveyards, and defeated The Lukeman.[13]

Despite The Lukeman's loss, Yuo refused to accept the result and tried to destroy the Super Rush Robot with Star Six, but Kaizo returned to Earth as well and crashed into Star Six, detonating the Prima Guitarna Curry that Romin had left on the ship and crashing it, forcing Yuo to release the Super Rush Robot. After The Lukeman released Luke and left for outer space, Mimi suggested Swirls could replace Yuo as he was the sixth of the Goha Six, but the sixth badge rejected him, so Yuga suggested Yuo remain president, but reinstate Yuran and his other siblings, while Yuga joined Goha Enterprises as they had initially asked him to if he lost six times.[13]

Goha Employee[edit]

The following day was Yuo's birthday, so Yuran and his siblings planned to throw a surprise party for him using the costumes they'd prepared for Yuga's Rush Duel with The Lukeman. As they still had to clean the Prima Guitarna Curry out of Star Six, they told Yuo they would handle the cleanup and ensured his schedule was free, while tasking Romin and Gavin with planting the idea of a surprise party in Yuo's head to make him open to the idea. When Gavin and Romin returned to Star Six, they swapped costumes so Gavin was the hostage in need of rescue and when Yuo returned Yuran and his siblings began putting on the play. Yuo almost left until Mrs. Drone confirmed this was a birthday surprise to him and they all wished him a happy birthday, and Yuo joined them in their play. Afterwards they had a birthday dinner for Yuo.[14]

Afterwards, Mrs. Drone returned to Goha Space Elementary in Star Six with Yuran, Yuro, Yujin and Yuka while allowing Yuo to remain at the Goha Enterprises Main Office to directly lead Goha Enterprises.[15] Mrs. Drone, Yuran, Yuro, Yujin and Yuka later learned that Yuga was apparently the sixth of the Goha Six.[16]


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05252: "Battle Royal Finale"
  2. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05454: "Turbo Rush Duel!"
  3. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05555: "Water Hazards"
  4. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05656: "Play Ball!"
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05757: "Kendo Conflict!"
  6. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05858: "Pulling the Strings"
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06060: "Legend of The Sevens"
  8. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06161: "Face the Heat"
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06262: "The Lukeman!"
  10. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06363: "President Luke!"
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06464: "Fear the Gear"
  12. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06666: "Rise of the Supervillain"
  13. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06767: "Rise of the Superhero"
  14. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06868: "The Melancholy of Yuo"
  15. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06969: "Fish Fight"
  16. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07474: "Rush Ghoul"