Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS - Episode 057

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"Kendo Conflict!"
Yuran's counterattack strategy is visualized.
Yuran's counterattack strategy is visualized.
EnglishKendo Conflict!
Japanese name
RōmajiDaiyon no Shikaku dosu-e
TranslatedThe Fourth Assailant Cometh
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS
Japanese OP"Nanananananana"
Japanese ED"Goha 7 Elementary School Song"
Air dates
JapaneseJuly 18, 2021
EnglishJune 6, 2022
Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episodes (season 2)
Previous"Play Ball!"
Next"Pulling the Strings"
Featured card"Millennium Shield"

"Kendo Conflict!", known as "The Fourth Assailant Cometh" in the Japanese version, is the fifty-seventh episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It first aired in Japan on July 18, 2021.

Being asked by Gavin to support him at a big Kendo tournament, Yuga Ohdo and co. visit together the Goha Martial Arts Stadium. However, the other contestants are nowhere to be seen, with only one boy standing alone in the dead-silent building. And that boy is the third son of the six President Siblings, Yuran Goha! Gavin vs Yuran, Kendo Rush Duel, start!


Once again, Yuga, Romin, Kaizo, and Swirls are watching the Super Rush Robot continue to perform stretches on the moon over Yuga's phone in the Rush Duel Clubroom, Kaizo lamenting that it's continued the stretches this entire time. Yuga notes that its joints must be under a lot of stress and it will break into pieces at this rate and Romin apologizes again for losing, as she gave the Goha Six a point. Kaizo urges her not to feel bad, pointing out the current score is 2-1, so they're still up by one point. They hear Luke laughing as he agrees with Kaizo and flings aside the curtain in front of his throne, emerging with his crown, jeans and sunglasses as he declares that there's no need to worry given that they have the King of Duels on their side. Rayne pops in and angrily whispers for them to be quiet, given that the Student Council President is working, and as the Rush Duel Club peek out to see Gavin signing documents handed to him by Rino, Swirls admits Gavin is amazing and Yuga agrees that it's expected of the Student Council president. As Gavin continues signing documents, he thinks to himself that concentrating on tasks without being distracted by one's surroundings is core to Sogetsu Style before stamping his last document and finishing work for the day. Luke immediately jumps on the chance to Duel the Goha Six again, and Gavin agrees that they should do their best.

Then two injured boys in kendo gear enter the Student Council room, one in green hair holding up one in black and call for Gavin. Luke thinks they're kendo zombies, but Gavin recognizes them as the Kendo Club's president Shinken Tsurugi and Kotetsuki Mendo. Kotetsuki weakly gasps "Yes...man" in English and Shinken begs for Gavin's help, asking him to replace them in the weekend's kendo tournament. Rayne asks what they mean, and Shinken recalls that he and Kotetsuki had been training, but even though Shinken won their match he believed it wouldn't be enough to defeat his rival Ryu Nito from Goha #2 Elementary, not without special training. This gave the Kendo Club the idea to go to the Music Club, where they proclaimed Tiger as a martial artist within Goha City said to have no equal and begged her to train them, but as soon as they respectfully addressed her by her full name, she yelled them out of the room for not using her nickname. The story sends Luke hiding behind Gavin and Yuga comments that they were incapacitated before their training could even begin. Gavin declares that he cannot abandon a club in need and agrees to be their substitute, much to the joy of Shinken and Kotetsuki, while Mrs. Drone watches from outside the window.

But when everyone arrives at the Goha Martial Arts Stadium the next day they find it deserted, much to Gavin's indignation. Yuga asks Shinken if he got the time or place wrong, and Shinken checks his phone, protesting that he couldn't have. Kaizo spots a blue-haired boy on the other side of the room and zooms over to ask him, but is promptly swatted aside by Mrs. Drone, ordering Kaizo not to get so close to the young master with his unpleasant motor noise after he asks who she thinks she is. She introduces herself as Mrs. Drone of the Goha 6 Michelin Drone Restaurant, though her name confuses Romin. Mrs. Drone explains that today's kendo tournament has been suspended, much to the shock of Gavin, Rayne and Rino, and Mrs. Drone explains that they will all bear witness to the young master, asking Yuran if that's all right. Yuran quietly agrees that it is, and Romin angrily asks who died and made Mrs. Drone boss and who Yuran is. Mrs. Drone is incensed by "girly's" arrogance, a term that infuriates Romin, and Mrs. Drone asks how they could not know who this is; the third brother of the Goha Six, Yuran Goha. Gavin recognizes Yuran from when the Goha Six first revealed themselves and Mrs. Drone declares that the winner will be decided by a Kendo Rush Duel, a term that Gavin repeats in surprise and that Yuga believes to be an interesting combination. Mrs. Drone admonishes Yuga for taking it lightly, as young master Yuran will cut them down without hesitation if they do, but Yuran quietly tells her she's too loud and she stops as Yuran brushes his fringe aside and turns to face Gavin. Gavin steps forwards with Rayne and Rino, declaring that he will acquiesce, and as Yuga asks his name curiously, Gavin explains that only he who has mastered Sogetsu Style can take on this challenge both as a kendo combatant and Duelist. Gavin, Rayne and Rino fling of their clothes to reveal Gavin's kimono, Rayne's kuroko clothing, and Rino in black kendo armor, Gavin respectfully telling Yuran to bear witness to this. Then a shadow falls over them, and Luke asks if it's night already, but the Goha Six's ship is overhead and Yuka notes that the Kendo Rush Duel is about to begin, while Yuo comments that he hopes that Yuran shows them some proper dignity as a Goha president given that Yuro and Yujin were both useless, a sentiment that angers Yuka.

Yujin meanwhile is off fishing with Skipjack, reeling in a tuna.

Holding a wooden sword and with a grill projected over her face, Mrs. Drone explains that a Kendo Rush Duel is a new martial art that involves two people forming a team and exchanging blows alongside attacks. She declares that he will be their referee, and Nail's image forms out of holographic hexagons with a red and white flag in his hands, and as Romin sighs that it's Nail again, Nail tells the contestants to assemble. Rino and Mrs. Drone cross the field, bow to one another, then cross swords, and Gavin declares that he will show Yuran the heart of Sogetsu Style before calling "Let's go Rino!" As Rino agrees, Mrs. Drone smugly declares that Yuran will make their blades rust, though Yuran notes that bamboo swords can't rust, and Gavin and Rino call "Kendo Rush Duel!" as both Duelists insert their Decks into their Duel Disks (Yuran's with a brown "7"). Nail tells them to begin, and the green holographic dome appears around them.

Mrs. Drone declares that it is their turn and asks Yuran to draw. Yuran complies, drawing and then examining his hand, containing "Decennium Mystic Sword", "Engage and Strike!", "Trumpet Charge", "Climax Clash", and "One Year Broom". Mrs. Drone asks if Yuran would kindly Summon, and Yuran complies by Setting a monster, then she asks if he will not Set more cards. Yuran confirms that he will and quietly Sets three cards. Mrs. Drone asks if Yuran is ending his turn, and when he confirms that he is, Mrs. Drone loudly announces the end of Yuran's turn. Romin asks what's with her, commenting that she never shuts up, though Luke comments that the Drone certainly cares for Yuran and compares her to his grandma.

Gavin declares his turn and draws, his hand containing "Kimeruler the Dark Raider", "Masaki the Legendary Samurai", "Hero of the Yeast", "Piercing Samurai", and "Ancient Turtle Protector". He Summons "Ancient Turtle Protector", "Piercing Samurai", and "Hero of the Yeast" and then activates the effect of "Piercing Samurai" by sending the top card of his Deck to the Graveyard, allowing "Hero of the Yeast" to inflict piercing battle damage this turn. Then he Tributes "Ancient Turtle Protector" and "Piercing Samurai" to Tribute Summon, chanting "There is no pulling back, and nowhere to run. My resolve is something I decide, as willed by the friendship hidden deep within my heart! Come forth! Kimeruler the Dark Raider!" Gavin Summons "Masaki the Legendary Samurai" and then sends "Yurushima the Hermit" from the top of his Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Kimeruler", allowing it to attack directly this turn. He tells Yuran to prepare for the lone horseman's charge, vowing to inflict all wounds Yuran inflicts upon him twice back and this is what he has come to decide. As Yuran and Mrs. Drone watch, Gavin orders "Kimeruler the Dark Raider" to attack with "Fiendish Commander: Slash of Decisive Commandment", and Luke cheers that Gavin brought out "Kimeruler" so quickly, while Yuga celebrates him landing the first strike.

As "Kimeruler" charges forwards, Rino charges in turn and Mrs. Drone barely blocks his strike, urging Yuran to be careful and warning him that she didn't anticipate him striking so soon. Yuran quietly replies that he understands and activates a Trap Card, which Mrs. Drone explains to be "Engage and Strike!", inflicting damage to Gavin equal to the Level of "Kimeruler" times 100. Gavin crackles with electricity as he falls to 3200 LP and Mrs. Drone forces Rino away from her and onto one knee. Gavin praises the strike, but warns that the direct attack of "Kimeruler" cannot be stopped, and Rino agrees, managing to strike Mrs. Drone's wrist as the attack connects, reducing Yuran to 1500 LP. Nail holds up his white flag and Yuga celebrates Gavin's success, Luke noting that he managed to inflict a lot of damage at once, while Romin urges Gavin to shut that old granny Drone up. Rayne curiously asks Gavin if Yuran really challenged him to this Rush Duel, as he seems weak and has no fighting spirit, leaving everything to the Mrs. Drone and not even making his own decisions. She admits at being surprised someone so feeble is among the Goha Six, though Gavin dismisses it as them each having their own personalities and declares that they'll continue full speed ahead, the twins eagerly agreeing.

Outside Swirls is running for the entrance, having been late due to washing his costume, but then he comes across a green-faced boy in kendo gear groaning on the ground and freaks out, thinking he's a kendo zombie. But the boy begs him for help, and Swirls gasps in shock as he sees several more children in kendo gear lying on the path.

Back inside, Gavin orders "Hero of the Yeast" to attack Yuran's face-down monster, and Mrs. Drone steps out of the way in shock as "Hero of the Yeast" cuts down Yuran's "One Year Broom", destroying it as Mrs. Drone laments its loss, and Gavin reminds Yuran that the effect of "Piercing Samurai" allows "Hero of the Yeast" to inflict piercing battle damage. Rino lunges forward and brings his bamboo sword down, hitting Mrs. Drone across the face as Yuran falls to 1300 LP. Nail holds up the white flag again as both Yuran and Mrs. Drone recoil from the blow and Rino declares that it isn't over yet, as Gavin still has the 1500 ATK "Masaki the Legendary Samurai". Rayne believes Gavin has won, and Mrs. Drone asks Yuran if it isn't time for a Trap Card. Yuran agrees that it is and activates the Trap "Trumpet Charge", which Mrs. Drone explains allows them to Special Summon a Warrior Type monster from their hand when one of their monsters is destroyed. Yuran Special Summons "Decennium Mystic Sword" from his hand in Defense Position, with 1400 DEF, and Gavin orders "Masaki" to attack it, bending "Decennium Mystic Sword" in half and shattering it. Gavin celebrates the successful attack, but then Mrs. Drone asks if Yuran has any more and Yuran confirms that he does, activating the Trap Card "Climax Clash" as one of his monsters was destroyed by battle. Mrs. Drone explains that they can inflict damage to Gavin equal to the number of EARTH Attribute Normal Monsters in their Graveyard times 100 as she hits Rino in the solar plexus, prompting Nail to raise the red flag. Gavin flinches back as he falls to 3000 LP, and Yuran and Mrs. Drone explain that if Gavin took damage by this effect, they can destroy one of his monsters. Mrs. Drone whacks "Masaki" over the head with her wooden sword and destroys it, much to everyone's shock, and Gavin praises Yuran's skillful barrage of attacks and Traps. Mrs. Drone promptly accepts the compliment, and Gavin protests in frustration that he wasn't talking to her. Romin notes that Yuran used a lot of Traps against Gavin, but Gavin still has more LP, something Shinken and Kotetsuki agree with, though Yuga and Luke have both noticed something about Yuran's Dueling, despite how he seems to leave everything to Mrs. Drone.

But before they can finish their thought Swirls bursts in with the boy he found outside draped across his shoulders. Luke points out that he's super late, and Swirls gasps that he found this person collapsed out back. The boy raises his head weakly, and Shinken gasps that it's his rival - Goha 2nd's Ryu Nito. He and Kotetsuki rush to support Ryu, who weakly greets them, while poor Swirls is collapsed on the ground from the exertion. Luke asks what happened, and Swirls begins to stammer it out, but then Ryu screams in fear as he recognizes Yuran, whose eyes have sharpened, much to everyone's shock. Ryu explains that Yuran showed up all on his own and cut the other kendo performers down in a single moment. Luke is shocked that Yuran could do so himself and Kotetsuki gasps "OH MAN!" Yuran chuckles, commenting that he's learned all that he needs to from Gavin, and he tells Mrs. Drone that it's time. As she moves to comply, Gavin, Rino and Rayne gasp in shock and Rayne asks if Yuran really just spoke for himself.

Yuran declares his turn and draws five cards, "Sword & Shield", "Millennium Protection", "Millennium Shield", "Defense Destroying Sword" and "Centennial Wooden Blade". He Summons "Centennial Wooden Blade" and then activates "Defense Destroying Sword", explaining that he cannot attack this turn, but if he controls an EARTH Normal Monster he can destroy a monster with at least 2000 DEF that Gavin controls. A shuriken spits out of the Spell and shatters "Kimeruler", and as Gavin calls his monster's name Yuran explains that he then regains 800 LP and Gavin will take 800 damage. Mrs. Drone declares a chest hit, but whacks Rino over the head, bringing Yuran back to 2100 LP and Gavin down to 2200. Yuga, Romin and Luke watch in shock as Rayne gasps that Gavin was in the lead, but now "Kimeruler" has been destroyed and Gavin and Yuran almost have equal LP. Yuro arrives, explaining that this is how Yuran fights. He explains that Yuran gathers a variety of information based on the way someone speaks, describing him as a master of listening to people's thoughts and accumulating and analyzing information. Yuran confirms to Gavin that all the information about his history and Dueling is right in here as he taps his own head, much to Gavin, Rayne and Rino's shock. Yuran Tributes "Centennial Wooden Blade" and Sets a monster facedown, Gavin gasping that Yuran has Tribute Set a monster, and Yuran Sets two more cards and ends his turn.

As everyone watches breathlessly, Gavin vows that Sogetsu Style cannot be so easily analyzed and he draws five cards, "Five Types of Assistance", "Obstruction Samurai", "Shield & Sword", "Kimeluna the Dark Shifter" and "Crying Moon Rabbit. He Summons "Crying Moon Rabbit", then Tribute it and "Hero of the Yeast" to Tribute Summon, chanting "I won't set limits for myself! I will let the moonlight guide me alongside the confidence within my heart! Come forth! Kimeluna the Dark Shifter!". "Kimeluna" appears with zero ATK, and Romin cries its name happily, while Yuga notes that it's a new monster and Luke is surprised that it's "Luna" instead of "Ruler". Swirls worries over Gavin Tribute Summoning a zero ATK monster, but Luke reassures him that he'll see. True enough Gavin activates "Shield & Sword", switching the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters until the end of the turn. "Kimeluna" rises to 2500 ATK and falls to zero DEF, much to Swirls's shock, and Romin declares that this is Gavin's path for certain victory. Luke explains that given that Yuran Tribute Set a monster, Gavin knows it has to have high DEF, and Swirls realizes this is why he Summoned "Kimeluna", but Gavin declares that this is his true goal.

He activates the effect of "Kimeluna the Dark Shifter", allowing him to change the battle positions of up to two monsters Yuran controls. Mrs. Drone cries out in horror as Yuran's Set monster is revealed - "Millennium Shield", with zero ATK but 3000 DEF, and Swirls is shocked that Yuran had such a powerful monster facedown, Romin gasping that it's a totally defensive monster. Swirls then realizes the weakness of "Millennium Shield", and Luke confirms that it has zero ATK. Rayne praises Gavin's move, but Gavin declares that as one must fight fire with fire, they must fight defense with defense. He Summons "Obstruction Samurai", but before he can make his next move Yuran activates a Trap Card, "Millennium Protection", as Gavin Summoned a monster while he controlled "Millennium Shield", Special Summoning two EARTH Attribute monsters from his Graveyard. "Decennium Mystic Sword" and "Centennial Wooden Blade" emerge from Yuran's Graveyard in Defense Position and cross in front of "Millennium Shield" as Yuran explains that he can also inflict 1000 damage to Gavin. Electricity surrounds Gavin again, reducing him to 1200 LP, and Luke cries his name as Yuga and Romin gasp in worry. But to everyone's surprise Gavin is laughing, and he claims to have seen through Yuran's scheme, much to his shock. He claims that Yuran's strategy is to protect himself with defensive monsters while damaging him with Trap effects, and a plot by that will be struck down by the heart of his Sogetsu Style. He returns "Hero of the Yeast" from his Graveyard to his Deck to activate the effect of "Obstruction Samurai", preventing him from taking damage from the effects of Trap Cards for the rest of the turn. Yuga cheers that Gavin strengthened his defenses, and Gavin adds there's more, activating the Spell Card "Five Types of Assistance" to prevent "Kimeluna" and "Obstruction Samurai" from being destroyed by Trap effects for the rest of the turn. Swirls cheers that it's a perfect defense and Gavin declares that he can see the path to victory and will destroy his defense, telling "Kimeluna" to let the moonlight to shone on Yuran's weakness and strike it at once. Twirling her katana, "Kimeluna" attacks with "Fiendish Commander: Moonlight Tsuki", lunging forwards with her sword between her fingers to attack "Millennium Shield".

And Yuran activates a Trap Card, "Sword & Shield", switching the ATK and DEF of "Kimeluna" and "Millennium Shield". "Kimeluna" returns to zero ATK, while "Millennium Shield" skyrockets to 3000 ATK as Gavin gasps "What?!" Swirls cries that their ATK and DEF switched again and Rino and Rayne are shocked that Gavin's winning play was countered. Mrs. Drone declares that Yuran's style is that of counterattacking (which Luke mishears as "counting money" due to the words for "counterattack" and 5000 yen sounding similar in Japanese), a sword attack that allows you to see right through the opponent's attack and then slice a gaping hole in their body with a single blow. Yuran reminds Gavin that he told him all the information of his Dueliing style and record were in his head, and he knew when he Set "Millennium Shield" that Gavin would realize that it had high DEF and thus try to render that useless by changing it to Attack Position. Gavin is shocked that Yuran could read that far, and Yuran confirms this was his true aim. "Kimeluna" clashes with "Millennium Shield", and everyone gasps in shock as her sword snaps and Gavin cries her name as the tip buries itself in her chest, destroying her and giving both Mrs. Drone and Yuran the openings they need to strike Rino and Gavin down with their wooden swords. As Gavin is thrown off his feet, he is shocked by how cunning Yuran Goha is. His LP falls to zero, and he and Rino lands hard on the ground.

Nail declares Yuran's victory, and Rayne cries Gavin and Rino's names and Yuga asks if they're okay. Yuro watches his brother leave with Mrs. Drone, who congratulates Yuran. Yuran simply hums in agreement, and Yuga, Romin and Luke watch him go, Luke asking if Yuran really read all of Gavin's moves. Yuga believes that Yuran probably set all of this up from the start of the Kendo Rush Duel as Gavin rubs his head and looks after Yuran.

The Goha Six's ship leaves the Goha Martial Arts Stadium, and Yuo muses to the President Drone that as he expected Yuran can't be underestimated. The President Drone comments that it's a 2-2 tie, and Yuo replies that's fine as he looks at the glowing card in the capsule, claiming that he won't lose as long as he has it.

Featured Duel: Gavin Sogestu vs Yuran Goha[edit]

The Duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.

Turn 1: Yuran
Yuran's hand contains "Decennium Mystic Sword", "Engage and Strike!", "Trumpet Charge", "Climax Clash", and "One Year Broom". Yuran Sets a monster. Yuran Sets three cards.

Turn 2: Gavin
Gavin's hand contains "Kimeruler the Dark Raider", "Masaki the Legendary Samurai", "Hero of the Yeast", "Piercing Samurai", and "Ancient Turtle Protector". Gavin Normal Summons "Ancient Turtle Protector" (0/1400), "Piercing Samurai" (1200/1000), and "Hero of the Yeast" (1500/0). As he controls another Warrior Type monster, Gavin activates the effect of "Piercing Samurai", sending the top card of his Deck to the Graveyard to choose a Warrior Type monster he controls and allow it to inflict piercing battle damage this turn. He sends an unknown card from the top of his Deck to the Graveyard and chooses "Hero of the Yeast". Gavin Tributes "Turtle Keeper" and "Piercing Samurai" to Tribute Summon "Kimeruler the Dark Raider" (2500/2000). Gavin Normal Summons "Masaki the Legendary Samurai" (1500/0). As "Kimeruler" was Normal Summoned this turn and Yuran controls no Attack Position monsters, Gavin activates the effect of "Kimeruler", sending the top card of his Deck to the Graveyard to allow it to attack directly this turn, but non-Warrior Type monsters Gavin controls cannot declare an attack this turn. He sends "Yurushima the Hermit" from the top of his Deck to the Graveyard. "Kimeruler" attacks Yuran directly, but as a monster Gavin controls declared an attack, Yuran activates his Set Trap "Engage and Strike!", choosing a monster Gavin controls and inflicting damage to Gavin equal to its Level x 100. Yuran chooses the Level 8 "Kimeruler" (Gavin: 4000 → 3200 LP). The attack continues (Yuran: 4000 → 1500 LP). "Hero of the Yeast" attacks Yuran's Set "One Year Broom" (300/1300). The attack continues and "One Year Broom" is destroyed (Yuran: 1500 → 1300 LP). As a Warrior Type monster he controls was destroyed by battle, Yuran activates his Set Trap "Trumpet Charge", Special Summoning a Warrior Type monster from his hand. He Special Summons "Decennium Mystic Sword" (200/1400) from his hand in face-up Defense Position. "Masaki" attacks and destroys "Decennium Mystic Sword". As an EARTH Normal Monster Yuran controls was destroyed by Gavin's attacking monster, he activates his Set Trap "Climax Clash", inflicting damage to Gavin equal to the number of EARTH Normal monsters in his Graveyard x 100, then he can destroy a face-up Normal Monster Gavin controls. Yuran has two EARTH Normal Monsters in his Graveyard (Gavin: 3200 → 3000 LP), and destroys "Masaki".

Turn 3: Yuran
Yuran draws "Sword & Shield", "Millennium Protection", "Millenniumm Shield", "Defense Destroying Sword", and "Centennial Wooden Blade". Yuran Normal Summons "Centennial Wooden Blade" (100/1500). As Yuran controls an EARTH Normal Monster, he activates the Spell "Defense Destroying Sword", choosing a monster Gavin controls with 2000 or more DEF and destroying it, then gaining 800 LP and inflict 800 damage to Gavin, also Yuran cannot declare an attack this turn. Yuran destroys the 2000 DEF "Kimeruler" (Yuran: 1300 → 2100 LP)(Gavin: 3000 → 2200 LP). Yuran Tributes "Centennial Wooden Blade" to Tribute Set a monster. Yuran Sets two cards.

Turn 4: Gavin
Gavin draws "Five Types of Assistance", "Obstruction Samurai", "Shield & Sword", "Kimeluna the Dark Shifter", and "Crying Moon Rabbit". Gavin Normal Summons "Crying Moon Rabbit" (0/1400). Gavin Tributes "Masaki" and "Crying Moon Rabbit" to Tribute Summon "Kimeluna the Dark Shifter" (0/2500). Gavin activates the Spell "Shield & Sword", switching the original ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters on the field until the end of the turn ("Kimeluna": 0/2500 → 2500/0). Gavin activates the effect of "Kimeluna", choosing up to two monsters Yuran controls and changing their battle positions, then he can change the battle position of a Warrior Type monster he controls. Gavin changes Yuran's Set "Millennium Shield" (0/3000) to Attack Position. Gavin Normal Summons "Obstruction Samurai" (1000/0). As Gavin Normal or Special Summoned a monster while Yuran controls "Millennium Shield", Yuran activates his Set Trap "Millennium Protection", choosing up to two EARTH Normal Monsters in his Graveyard and Special Summoning them, then inflicting 1000 damage to Gavin. Yuran Special Summons "Decennium Mystic Sword" (200/1400) and "Centennial Wooden Blade" (100/1500) in face-up Defense Position (Gavin: 2200 → 1200 LP). Gavin activates the effect of "Obstruction Samurai", placing a Warrior Type monster from his Graveyard on the bottom of his Deck to prevent him from taking damage from Yuran's Trap effects this turn. He places "Hero of the Yeast" on the bottom of his Deck. As there is a Level 8 or lower Warrior, Fairy, Beast, Winged Beast, or Reptile Type monster on the field, Gavin activates the Spell "Five Types of Assistance", choosing up to two face-up monsters he controls to prevent them from being destroyed by Yuran's Trap effects this turn. He chooses "Kimeluna" and "Obstruction Samurai". "Kimeluna" attacks "Millennium Shield", but as a Level 9 or lower monster Gavin controls declared an attack on Yuran's Attack Position monster, Yuran activates his Set Trap "Sword & Shield", switching the original ATK and DEF of the two battling monsters until the end of the turn, then he can add one "Shield & Sword" from his Graveyard to his hand ("Kimeluna": 2500/0 → 0/2500) ("Millennium Shield": 0/3000 → 3000/0). The attack continues and "Kimeluna" is destroyed (Gavin: 1200 → 0 LP).

Featured cards[edit]

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.