Talk:Aster Phoenix

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This is the talk page for discussing the page, Aster Phoenix.

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Which would be the correct place to place Virus Cannon? --HerrRodney 19:00, 22 May 2007 (UTC)


Is it just me, or is it that Aster's voice changes throughout the series. For example, if you compare his voice in the first episode of the second season to let's say Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Episode 141, it's really different. Could it be a different voice actor or something? --Qim1 (talkcontribs) 18:42, September 26, 2010 (UTC)


Regarding this edit. I'd argue that removing "Duel Academy" to the section "previous affiliation" is a good move. Although he doesn't go to classes, he is technically a student there. This is confirmed by himself in episode 107. -- (talk) 22:21, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

Are. You. Kidding. Me. "Duel", "Deck" and "HERO" are always capitalized. What you're saying is like "a person's name doesn't need to be capitalized after you mention it the first time". If anything, you should discuss any changes you want to make on the page here, before actually doing anything. You're obviously biased towards this character, and are blinded to bad things you're putting in. --UltimateKuriboh (talkcontribs) 09:17, May 7, 2014 (UTC)

I dont get what your deal is. Ok I didn't know that their are always capitalized, of course someones name always is, but simple terms like duel, deck and hero constantly capitalized after the first time got redundant and started to look weird. I get that their duel terms though and now I understand

I get that your a mod and everything but I dont see why Iam so prone to being picked on by you, how am I biased when all I said that he did not need to capitalize duel deck and hero? ... I mean yeah Aster/Edo is a favorite of mine but capitalization has nothing to do with being biased?? Saying that helping articles that look like stubs by adding content to them is a bad thing is pretty over the top. Again a simple chide would've sufficed, dont know why your so angry, I didn't do anything to you ...MaxMicster (talkcontribs) 15:16, May 7, 2014 (UTC)

Yu-Gi-Oh!:Manual of style. Cheesedude (talkcontribs) 15:50, May 7, 2014 (UTC)

Thank you cheesedude, for being the professional and cool mod, I skimmed through and went over it a bit lol.

I removed the picture because this is Aster's article, and thus a picture without Aster generally wouldn't be in it. I removed the abbreviation because that belongs on the Destiny Hero page, not here. I removed the whole "best at Heroes" thing because it isn't really official, but that one should be changed to something along the lines of "aster proclaiming himself the best HERO user." Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 06:55, May 8, 2014 (UTC)

"The name of the storyline is a common choice a subsection. The following are official names given to storylines. They do not necessarily have to be used as subsections. There are more smaller storylines, whose names are not listed."

Eh what? Not sure what you're saying here...especially about the subsections (though nor am I sure that you're even replying to me...)
I'm not saying that isn't what's happening, more that such a title isn't really official in-universe (although as I say it, it sounds more and more silly. Maybe it was just your wording that got me). And there are now FAR too many images that don't need to be on this page. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 21:42, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

sano, the previous sentence that's in quotations is taken from the manual for character articles page, I posted it since you changed the subsects I was working on for season layout, but as the it declares that layout does not have to be used. You think they sound silly? I don't really think so, I think they they tell whats going on, but maybe it really was my wording that got you. also I didn't mean some type of official title, Its meant as hes proven to jaden, taken care of. I quoted hero because I didn't want to do another link. Also no there aren't many pictures at all, this is typical for a main, you must've definitely not seen the amount on the mains after gx.

I meant that what I was saying sounded more and more silly. The thing is though, the images that don't have Aster in them don't need to be in there. The whole best at heroes thing was just worded odd, that's all. Don't let it bother you. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 04:45, May 24, 2014 (UTC)

ok I saw the reedit, that's why I said that first, we'll leave it as it is, until some bloke properly addresses aster/edo as such

Not quite sure how among is distant, but okay, sure. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 08:44, June 10, 2014 (UTC)

dont get why you removed the greatest duelist thing, pegasus list consist of duelist he regards as the greatest duelist

(facepalm) Because that list states the same thing twice. He's already stated as being a great duelist, thus the bit on the end is unnecessary. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 03:42, June 17, 2014 (UTC)

facepalm was unnecessary dude, looking at it again, I guess I can sorta see how you saw that but i dont really agree It was "Aster is stated as one of the best duelists Maximillion Pegasus the creator of Duel Monsters has ever seen, listing him with duelists Yugi Muto, the previous King of Games and Seto Kaiba as the greatest duelist"

"best" is a pretty loose term, best can mean many best duelist, point is you can have tens of the best duelist in a tournament and such ... but pegasus has a specific top five, and if were only talking about the top five than thats I why something similar yo the original line would be better

Now when you edited it basically just reads this

- Aster is one of the best duelist pegasus has seen ...

I actually was pretty ok with among but when you remove the greatest duelist part too it becomes that ... way less specific.

also saying with yugi and kaiba although its a top five I think is still appropriate as we cant list every bodies name since its still eds page but im sure we can agree that yugi and kaiba are definitely noteworthy to be listed

also before you facepalm whats with changing

in which he succeeds to succeeding in doing so ... ...

not much of a point to that at all, you just said the same thing that was there before but edited it anyway cmonMaxMicster (talkcontribs) 15:41, June 19, 2014 (UTC)

Good lord, that text is all over the place. I changed the succeeded bit just to shorten the whole summary, as it's a little bloated. No facepalm for that.

As for the "best Duelist's" thing, read your sentence out loud. It sounds ridiculous. Though I can see where you're coming from based on comparing "best" and "greatest," though the logical conclusion would be to use what I've written, but interchange "one of the best" with "one of the greatest."

If this really bothers you, take it up with the admins. I have lost the energy to facepalm. Palmface. Whatever.

Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 01:16, June 20, 2014 (UTC)

Yes it does bother me, Ive contributed the most to the article, it annoys me to squabble over absolutely nothing.

Also no its not bloated just a regular overview

Also did you really just say that you changed the seventeen letters in which he succeeds to the nineteen lettered succeeding in doing so to shorten the overview????!? You have literally blown my mind

I'm not sure if your messing and joking around anymore.

Joking or not, its not very funny. I removed one of the duelist in the sentence as it said duelist three times, which I swear it didn't say before. If the mods have a problem with it then that's that Otherwise I dont see any other problems with itMaxMicster (talkcontribs) 16:50, June 23, 2014 (UTC)

I wasn't joking, nor am I messing around, and in hindsight, I see why you'd be confused. Probably me just being a little OCD. Though I admit, I tend to joke a little when I talk here.

And I've stated time and time again, the sentence is just painful to look at when it states the same thing twice, not to mention written poorly. I'm honestly at a loss to why you oppose the minor change, as it doesn't even remove any info.

Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 20:12, June 23, 2014 (UTC)

Why!Whhhyy!? do you keep rearranging this page. You were granted what you asked for from cheeseguy already and he changed it as it is, yet it still not enough for you with this article it seems.

Cheese must have not changed it ... because he found not fault with the section.

Its pretty much says the same thing it said before.

Were probably going to need some more cheezy approval on this to, since me and you rarely can come to an agreement.MaxMicster (talkcontribs) 04:46, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

That time was just removing little things like the "and" that accidentially got left after Cheese took out the "Doctor." You do know that you can check what I change, right? (Or was there something else I did that time?) And I'm fine with what's at the top now, though I doubt we'll ever agree about the images. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 05:14, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

Well ok then.MaxMicster (talkcontribs) 14:13, June 30, 2014 (UTC)

The funny thing is, I never added those subsections, some idiot created them a while back and I just kinda went with it. The page looks better without those mini subsections under the main ones anyways, so I agree.MaxMicster (talkcontribs) 03:04, September 12, 2014 (UTC)

Ok, about the subsections on this page, admittedly the previous subsections on this page where a bit sloppy and all over the place. I would appreciate if the ones now are unedited, as they are fixed now and as I am using them, they are the only ones that work for my layout and makes certain events easier to find instead of reading over a large mass of words. I have - Shortened some of the names of the previous sections - Added undersections to

Also some characters pages Ive seen have sections ranging from 8 to 12 so as Aster has the most activity in s2 compared to his few appearances in s3 and s4 so there wont be much to be added for anything after s2.

Also on other notes

Aster is and was never part of the society of light, Sartorius constructed the society after Aster's second real duel with Jaden and after Sartorius came to duel academy.

If anyone wants to help, you can by adding any extra information to picture files. I will get to them eventually but go right ahead if you already know the ep.MaxMicster (talkcontribs) 17:26, October 29, 2014 (UTC)

goblin, the guy in the suit is a professional duelist. Now the other guys that ed simultaneously defeats are most definitely duelist from the other academies because of there attire, so there was sill a small mistake.

cheeseman, it stated "only people", since dude was a duel monster spirit it was the only reason he was not listed, Its all okay though since people will still understand the context.MaxMicster (talkcontribs) 09:53, December 15, 2014 (UTC)

... ... ... Ladies and Gentlemen, DO NOT MOVE THE PICTURE FILES THAT I PLACE[edit]

Um ...excuse me ellis kind sir. I don't think you've noticed but you are messing up the picture files. I have them placed there in those specific sections and in that order for a reason.

I know what you are thinking, you've looked at the source edit and saw that the picture files are placed awkwardly between words and in the middle of paragraphs and whatnot but they are placed like that because its the only way to make them appear properly.

First,I had certain pictures under one another for a reason, e.g the picture with Edo pointing at clock tower of seclusion from underneath.

Second The pictures are for mostly, IN A ZIG ZAG FORMAT, which you've undermined a bit.

Overall, You messed up some of the picture orders, you've ruined the zig zag format a little by have some pictures too close together, the second picture in a paragraph is supposed to right where the text ends in that said paragraph, although here are sometimes three pictures per paragraph, where in case the second picture will be to the right of the first.

PLEASE, Nobody move the picture files that I place!!!MaxMicster (talkcontribs) 14:03, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

Uh, no. You don't get solely decide what images to use. In fact, you've used too many images. There is not enough text to support that many images - and I am NOT suggesting you add more text, its far too long already. We want to be comprehensive, but you've gone all the way to the level of giving play-by-plays, which is what the episode pages are for. This needs major work on all fronts, as you did not follow the manual of style either. Cheesedude (talkcontribs) 05:10, February 25, 2016 (UTC)
I'd have tried to say this earlier, but Max is convinced that I have a vendetta against him...admittedly he's not far off. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 06:21, February 25, 2016 (UTC)

I've rewritten the code in a separate document down to the beginning of the Sarina tag duel. Will update further progress. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 04:29, February 26, 2016 (UTC)