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This is the talk page for discussing the page, Dragunity.

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This Talk Page is only for the discussion on how to improve the article. Please post topics on general discussion or questions on rulings in the Forums.-- HHTurtle Talk   09:09, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

Additional Weaknesses[edit]

Something I noticed with my own pure Dragunity deck several times. The deck usually combos really fast and pulls off big plays, which usually use up cards pretty damn fast. So the player is usually left without a lot of cards in their hands or most of the time without cards period. On top of that, if the opponent can counter the big plays, the Dragunity deck user is left both cardless and often with a bare Monster Zone.--Kagimizu-Seeya 'round 23:35, September 2, 2011 (UTC)

What I've noticed is that you should definitely put in a pot of avarice and definitely add a lot of the winged beast dragunity cards, such as 3 dux 3 legionnaire and 2 militum, not to mention the tuners. I am also putting a malefic stardust so I can get out trident dragion easily. The point is that the deck may burn out quickly, but you can easily win a duel within a few turns. Counter cards also help like dark bribe, sakuretsu, mirror force, and starlight road.--4drummer9553 (talkcontribs) 05:21, October 22, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553

Pot of Avarice is pretty good. Militum is useless, but you can use three Reborn Tengu and Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite. So far, Magic Drain has actually done better than Dark Bribe. You won't need to protect your monsters since you should have a Stardust, so Starlight Road won't be that important. Also, the most important thing to protect is Spells and Traps, not monsters (in this deck). Sakuretsu Armor is worse than Dimensional Prison, which isn't even commonly used anymore. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 12:19, October 22, 2011 (UTC)
Although I do agree that militum can be useless, it not only provides more stars for a synchro summon, but it also can special summon aklys. Otherwise, you won't be able synchro summon as easily with aklys. Starlight road is an anti dark hole, and especially an anti heavy storm, which is very useful now that they are legal. Not to mention that it can summon a stardust, but I would just use one. Blackwing-zephyros the elite is good, but mainly for a blackuinty deck and you can't use its effect more than once. That makes it basically useless. I do agree with the reborn tengus, but they are expensive, same with dimensional prison. Dark Bribe is WAY better than magic drain. For example, dark bribe not only stops spells, but also traps. It cannot be as easily negated as magic drain, and it only gives your opponent an extra card. I do agree reborn tengus and dimensional prison, but not the rest.--4drummer9553 (talkcontribs) 06:32, October 23, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553
One final thought, it just occurred to me that reborn tengu is NOT a winged-beast, but instead, a beast-warrior. This means you can't use him in dragunity synchros. Dimensional prison is still good.-- (talk) 07:37, October 23, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553
Aklys is not meant for Synchro Summoning. Just use two Phalanx. Stopping monster destruction doesn't help: Spell and Trap destruction hurts you most, that's why Magic Drain and Dark Bribe are more important. Zephyros is good for ANY Dragunity deck. It's a Winged Beast so you can use it for Vajrayana and you can get a Level with it + Legionnaire and Aklys. Price means nothing here, this is conceptual stuff. Dark Bribe gives a -1 whereas Magic Drain at worst gives a 2 for 2, which benefits Dragunities far more than you'd think. As for Reborn Tengu being a Beast Warrior, that's not important. It adds consistency, makes Duality easier to use, and most importantly, allows you to Synchro Summon Trishula at no loss of advantage. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 12:47, October 23, 2011 (UTC)
Although I do agree with your idea of summoning trishula easily, it seems to me that it is more practical to use dragunity winged beast monsters to summon vajrayana, instead of waiting several turns to finally bring out trishula. Also zephyros is good, but like I said earlier, his effect can only be used once, so after two synchro summons, he's used up. I do not agree with magic drain AT ALL. Like I said earlier, magic drain can be negated just by your opponent discarding a spell card from their hand. Chances of them having a spell card in their hand is very, very high. Dark bribe not only stops spells, but ALSO traps. This can be VERY useful in almost all situations. Also, starlight road can help protect your spell/traps against cards like heavy storm, which you will see in EVERY duel. And last, Aklys is definitely usable for synchro summoning. -- (talk) 18:06, October 23, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553
You are statistically incorrect. First off, it only takes two turns to get Trishula. One if you have Zephyros and Legionnaire in your hand. Zephyros ALSO makes Trishula. Sure, it can be used once per duel, but if you don't have Ravine, you can turn a Legionnaire into a Dux and re-use it, or re-use a Dux. Again, Traps are no big deal, because most people play very few and Mystical Space Typhoon can deal with them. Most people don't use more than 10 Spells, which means that statistically they'll have one in their hand. They probably won't want to waste their Dark Hole/Monster Reborn on Ravine. Heavy Storm isn't even used by everyone anymore and it's not going to appear much more often than 1/5 of my games. Aklys is NOT useful for Synchro Summoning - why in the world would it be? It can't Special Summon itself. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 23:31, October 23, 2011 (UTC)
Okay,so zephyros may be a good choice, however there many different ways to bring out trishula, whether you use vajrayana or not. In my opinion, the fastest and most effective way of bringing it out would be using vajrayana, and later a tuner. So, I have a question for you. What tuners do you use and how many of each? Also, in my opinion, you might as well have a dark bribe, just in case a trap is activated. Magic drain is useful, but I see dark bribe as a more logical choice, given that it can negate either trap or spell and only giving your opponent one extra card. I do also see malefic stardust dragon as a good choice for protecting ravine. Anyway, just to get this out there, Primus Pilus is also useful for one turn synchro summoning. One last thought, I have seen heavy storm used far more than any other spell/trap destruction card over the years, so in my opinion, starlight road would be useful for anti heavy storm, AND stardust summon.-- (talk) 23:57, October 23, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553
You're wrong about Trishula. Using Vajrayana would be a waste, as you'd need TWO more cards for it, and Dragunities don't use those. I use two Phalanx and one Aklys. Again, Traps are a non-issue. I'll have a Stardust or it won't be important. Primus Pilus is terrible - it requires a Tribute. Use Mystletainn if you must. Malefic Stardust Dragon is decent. Again, Heavy Storm is NOT important. Mystical Space Typhoon is. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 00:18, October 24, 2011 (UTC)

I don't see how primus pilus is worse than mystletainn. I mean, sure you can special summon it right away and equip a phalanx or aklys to it, but where do you go from there? At least with pilus you can get out a vajrayana and then a stardust, but with mystletainn, you cannot synchro summon a stardust unless you have a phalanx already in the graveyard. With aklys, you can special summon a pilus and equip him with a phalanx, then synchro summon to get a vajrayana, destroying an opponent's card in the process, and pulling out a stardust. And with the whole argument with dark bribe, it seems more logical to me that having a card that can negate BOTH trap and spell, IF you need to, than using something that can only negate spells. I'm just saying, you may never know what your opponent will use. I know that everyone I know who plays Yugioh uses a heavy storm, so I would rather be prepared if someone pulls it out. And to be honest, I did not want this to be a war over what to use. I was just suggesting to fellow duelists what they might want to use in dragunity decks.-- (talk) 00:47, October 24, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553

Equip Phalanx to Mystletain, Special Summon Phalanx, Synchro Summon Stardust. As for Pilus you can't get out a Vajrayana because it's Level 5. Not 4. Pilus + Phalanx = 7. You do not destroy your opponent's card. I'm saying that not everyone draws Heavy Storm every game. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 00:54, October 24, 2011 (UTC)

You know what, I did not know about the synchro summon rules concerning exact level. I was actually wondering if you could help me adjust my deck a bit. Just wondering. I know that I will have staples (3 phalanx, 2 or 3 aklys, 3 dux, 3 legionairre, 3 dragon ravine, 3 terraforming, etc.)

All you need is two Phalanx and one Aklys because Aklys doesn't do anything for a Synchro Summon. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 02:18, October 24, 2011 (UTC)

Okay, thanks. How many tengus and malefic stardusts do you think I need? Also, how many mystical space typhoons and how many terraforming?-- (talk) 03:36, October 24, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553

One last question, how many cards of consonance would you suggest I use. I've heard that two is a good number.-- (talk) 03:44, October 24, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553

In any deck that uses it Reborn Tengu should be maxed. Mystical Space Typhoon is best at two or three, Terraforming is good at three, and you can use 1-3 Malefic Stardust. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:38, October 24, 2011 (UTC)

Hey thanks, I finally finished my deck. Also, have you heard of my idea of combining fabled and dark world cards to make a fast-paced twilight deck?-- (talk) 22:51, October 24, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553

Battle strategy[edit]

i too run a pure dragunity deck, the common problem is decking out when someone plays a D.D/micro cosmos style deck. the tip to counter this is to have a few imperial iron walls, to prevent remove from play. you should also have several backup tatics. just to name a few mist valley falcon / dragon ravine , light and darkness dragon / dragunity arma leyvaten , assault mode pref. stardust dragon , speed bird / 2 Lvl 2 tuners / red dragon archfiend -> red nova dragon -- (talk) 18:33, September 27, 2011 (UTC)janlukky

You should side Imperial Iron Wall, but not main deck it. Mist Valley Falcon isn't necessary. Light and Darkness Dragon + Leyvaten is only useful in specific decks. Stardust Assault Mode just takes up space. Red Nova isn't useful anymore. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 20:37, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

- LoL i know that, so far my deck has not let me down though there were many close calls and i did stop a OTK attempt at one point. janlukky

Dragunity Aklys, and more draw power[edit]

Aklys may not be good for synchro summons, however it is vital to the deck because of it's destruction and special summon effect, especially if you don't use Leyvaten, also pot of avarice should be run at 2 or 3 to return used legionares or other useful cards to research via dragon's ravine. In casual play against agents and dark world decks, this deck has served me well, although hand is an issue, I generally have to start top decking very soon, 2nd-3rd turn minimum. generic but good counter traps like solwmn warning, and staples like book of moon, or even mirror force are nice as a backup if things go wrong. Is super rejuvination any good in these decks for draw power, I think 2 cards at most but that's not bad. Final note on traps, if not running any others, royal decree helps alot. I hope you found this helpful, and if you would like give me any pointers.

Avarice is Limited, and you need a lot of Traps. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:56, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

Also, Dragon Ravine is good enough. Yo should definitely use a pot of avarice, but I don't suggest cards like consonance. They take up too much space, and they are usually too situational. Traps are in my opinion, a necessity in this deck. I would suggest that you use the staples, and not just royal decrees. --4drummer9553 (talkcontribs) 07:03, November 12, 2011 (UTC)4drummer9553

I don't like Consonance. I agree, but many people don't. Traps are necessary. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:46, November 12, 2011 (UTC)

hey guy i just wanted to talk about how broken machina fortress is. thumbs up if you agree with me(Blackwingoverlord (talkcontribs) 05:02, March 1, 2012 (UTC))

I was thinking, maybe a Power Tool Dragon would be a good monster for his deck. Equiping it with dragunity monsters using Dragon Mastery and making combos with Dark Hole or Black Rose Dragon you can destroy the field but Power Tools won't be destroyed and they can atack directly.. -- (talk) 18:25, March 15, 2012 (UTC)FerryCo.

light and darkness dragon[edit]

For the light and darkness dragon combo it will not work because it says it cant be special summoned—This unsigned comment was made by Elder Vinicio Rivera (talkcontribs) 04:42, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

Again. It only gets equipped. It never gets Special Summoned. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 04:47, April 10, 2012 (UTC)