Talk:Uria, Lord of Searing Flames (anime)

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This is the talk page for discussing the page, Uria, Lord of Searing Flames (anime).

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Resurrection Effect[edit]

Acording the episode 49 of GX, during the duel of Jaden against Kagemaru, the resurrection effect have no mension of that must be on the next Main Phase.

"If this card is destroyed, during your next Main Phase, you can discard 1 Trap Card to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard".

Also, Kagemaru uses this effect on the same turn that Uria was destroyed.

Episode:!_GX_-_Episode_049 "Turn 10: Kagemaru Kagemaru draws. He then activates the effect of "Fallen Paradise" to draw two cards during his Main Phase. "Uria" attacks "Neo Bubbleman", but Jaden activates his face-down "Bubble Illusion" to let him activate "Hero's Rule 1: Five Freedoms" from his hand, allowing Jaden to remove the five Trap Cards in Kagemaru's Graveyard from play ("Uria, Lord of Searing Flames": 5000 → 0/5000 → 0). "Neo Bubbleman" destroys "Uria" (Kagemaru 2900 → 2100). Kagemaru then activates "Resurrection Tribute" to destroy "Neo Bubbleman" and Special Summon "Hamon" (4000/4000) from his Graveyard in Defense Position, ignoring the summoning conditions.

Kagemaru then activates "Uria's" third effect to discard "Cemetary Bomb" and Special Summon "Uria" from the Graveyard (0 → 1000/0 → 1000) in Defense Position".

So any you can discard a Trap Card to revive Uria by it's own effect.

Remember that, in other cases, it was just better to revive one of the Sacred Beasts soon as you can, and Kagemaru and Yubel had the Traps on they very next turn. Can i edit the page? GianDBO (talkcontribs) 14:11, October 12, 2016 (UTC)

"Next Main Phase". There is a Main Phase 2 after the Battle Phase. --UltimateKuriboh (talkcontribs) 14:12, October 12, 2016 (UTC)