User talk:Osiris!243

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I'm a huge video game/anime fan, and I used the name Osiris because a Mechwarrior (u no tha game?) that has the same name. My favorite game (for now) is Call of Duty: United Offensive (MULTIPLAYER!) for PC. I usually play in the Full Metal Jacket Clan Server. You should check it out! You can see if they'll let you join by asking them at their forum ([1]). My player name is _$OmNiCrUsHeR$_ . I'll see you there!!!

Hello There[edit]

Hello there, and welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.

I have noticed you're helping us with the Deck articles, and I wanted to ask a few important favours with regard to this:

  • Check out the Harpie Lady Deck Article I re-designed, all articles need to be kept like that, with all card names linked.
  • Magic Cards are Spell Cards now, and have been for a while
  • Please don't post actual 'Decks', instead, put card suggestions. We're a site to help players, not give them a free Deck off the bat ;)
  • Please, where possible, do not use cards in the Forbidden list, since they can't be used competitively. Instead, find replacements on the Limited list.

--TwoTailedFox 21:00, 18 July 2006 (UTC)