Card Rulings:Silent Angler

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OCG Rulings

  • During the turn in which you have already Special Summoned other monsters from your hand, you can still Special Summon "Silent Angler" by the method written in its text. After that, since you have Special Summoned "Silent Angler" by the method written in its text, you will not be able to Special Summon other monsters from your hand.[3]


  1. a b Konami OCG Card Database: Silent Angler
  2. Konami OCG Card Database: If the Special Summon of "Silent Angler" is negated by "Solemn Judgment", can I Special Summon other monsters from my hand that turn?
  3. Konami OCG Card Database: If I have already Special Summoned monsters from my hand by other card effects this turn, can I Special Summon "Silent Angler" by the method written in its text?