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Youtube - YGO2010 Everything Unlocked.avi

With the re-names done AGAIN and us getting closer to see a lot of these cards released now, are we following suit and renaming the respective pages? There are several confirmed and purposeful changes in that video alone. ShinobiPhoenix 03:06, February 20, 2010 (UTC)


is it possible for fabled to come to the TCG?

Can we get some Signatures up in here or is it just to hit to follow instructions? Either way, of course we're getting them. We get everything eventually, but if you must know, they will be in Hidden Arsenal 3 for sure. Whether it's 30 cards or 60, DT04 (their entry into the game) is next anyway because Hidden Arsenal 2 is DT02 and DT03. So HA03 will have at least DT04 (Lurrie, Grimro, Gallbas, Kushano, and Valkyrus) and if it has DT05, it will have the second group of "Fabled" monsters as well (the 5 non-Synchros and Leviathan). ShinobiPhoenix 12:22, February 21, 2010 (UTC)

  • Incidentally, Hidden Arsenal 3 is most likely next November or March of 2011 (HA02 is July and HA01 was November, so every 8 months or just scheduled at July and November or whenever they decide on a proper schedule). ShinobiPhoenix 12:41, February 21, 2010 (UTC)

new name[edit]

¬¬ honestly thought that name nothing to do!--Modo assalto 22:16, February 22, 2010 (UTC)

Fableds have arrived in hidden aresonal 3 and 4 and at this stage arn't doing to much, although they did win the italian nationals. in tournaments they will have alot of power because nobody expects them so they dont side deck for them. at the same time nobody really plays them because they dont understand the concept of them. In the future fableds will grow and become a tier 1 deck simply because of the summoning rate they have.-- (talk) 08:39, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

You don't know about current Yugioh events...Fableds have already become a Tier 2 deck, but Tier 1 is highly unlikely unless they get a super support card. They've done well at other tournaments as well. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 17:08, October 4, 2011 (UTC)


Why is The Fabled Unicore in the image at the top? That is a The Fabled monster, not part of the Fabled archetype. (talk) 13:32, November 21, 2011 (UTC)

If a card says it can search for an "X-Saber" card, then you can search for "X-Saber Airbellum" and "XX-Saber Darksoul".
If a card says it can search for an "XX-Saber" card, then it can only search for cards like "XX-Saber Darksoul"; it cannot search for "X-Saber Airbellum" because it does not have "XX-Saber" in its name.
Same idea. The Fabled Unicore is both a "The Fabled" and "Fabled". -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 13:38, November 21, 2011 (UTC)

Name reference[edit]

What are some of these cards named after?I searched on the google by names like Grimro,Ashenveil and Dyf,but i didin't find anything --OnePiece (talkcontribs) 00:14, October 19, 2015 (UTC)