Mutsuba Cable TV

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Mutsuba Cable TV is a TV studio in Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!. They produce Learning the Fun Way - Ultimate Go Rush!, which Yudias Velgearuses to learn Rush Dueling. They later assist MIK with covering up alien activity in Mutsuba Town until it becomes readily apparent it is occurring.


The studio once had UTS help them with an issue and owed them a favor, so they allowed Duelists from UTS to Duel Manya Atachi and her entourage on a live episode of Learning the Fun Way - Ultimate Go Rush!. MIK agents, tracking a suspected alien presence, also joined the audience for the Duels.[1] During the Rush Duels, broadcaster Makeru Kurimoto increasingly had to explain the increasingly bizarre events to the studio as "just television", from the transformation of Bochi to the destruction caused by Chupataro Kaburagi's use of the Earthdamar to materialize "Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan". The physical materialization of "Meeeg-chan" badly damaged the studio.[2][3]

Following the events of the exchange Rush Duels, Mutsuba Cable worked with Manya to cover up the supernatural events.[4] They later covered the Rush Duel between Yudias Velgear and Zuwijo zir Velgear atop Mutsuba Tower.[5] When monsters began materializing across Mutsuba Town due to Zuwijo spreading the Earthdamar's effects across its radius, Manya teamed up with Makeru and Miranda Ichimaru to convince people that the monsters were just special effects both during and after the Duel, assisting MIK in covering up the alien activity.[6][7]



  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0088: "Good Manya-rning from TV Land"
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0099: "Bochi of the Graveyard"
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01010: "Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan"
  4. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01111: "Where's Zuwijo?"
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01212: "Earthdamar"
  6. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01313: "Requiem of Fiction"
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01414: "Client: London"