MIK (organization)

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MIK is a corporate entity in Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!. Its initials stand for Meiwaku Iseijin Kanshikikō (めいわくせいじんかんこう), which is Japanese for "Organization for Monitoring Troublesome Aliens". The name Organization for Monitoring Interstellar Kriminals is also used among the fandom as an English name which fits the initials.

The organization cracks down on aliens that have come to Earth without proper authorization.[1] They are also responsible for monitoring aliens that live on Earth in designated areas.[2] During the two years between the first and second seasons, MIK launch Operation MIK and crack down on the aliens of Mutsuba Town and their sympathizers, confining them to the Alien Residential Area. They also recreate Maximum Monsters, using The Relic to seal Duelists defeated by them into cards.


Full-body view of an MIK agent.

Rank and file MIK members generally wear black suits and gloves with black hats and visors and carry restraint staffs. They have a tendency to reply to inquiries and affirmate by saving "Capture!" More elite MIK members have a more military and armored garb, while higher ranking MIK members are permitted to wear custom uniforms, though they generally dress in black or darker colors.

Image Character Description
PhaserRyugu.png Phaser Ryugu Commander
TremoloRyugu.png Tremolo Ryugu Special Enforcement Officer
RanranNanahoshi.png Ranran Nanahoshi Director general of the MIK central ward (formerly)
ManabuSogetsu.png Manabu Sogetsu Chief of Mutsuba branch (formerly)
Chemi Executive Officer in charge of Goha Company (formerly)
Nyandestar.png Nyandestar Partner to Manabu Sogetsu
Partner to Ranran Nanahoshi (formerly)
AngeKicho.png Ange Kicho Secretary to Tremolo Ryugu
LiemKokai.png Liem Kokai Secretary to Tremolo Ryugu
KarenChoha.png Karen Choha Secretary to Tremolo Ryugu
EnergyCopyko.png Energy Copyko Prison guard (formerly)
Mutsuba Heavy Machinery defense
HenryHonya.png Henry Honya Astral Observation Division
JaneHonya.png Jane Honya Astral Observation Division
PeterHonya.png Peter Honya Astral Observation Division
Nomura.png Nomura Mutsuba Heavy Machinery defense
Damasu.png Damas Mutsuba Heavy Machinery defense


  • MIK are a parody of the men in black character, particularly from the Men in Black franchise, where the organization is abbreviated to MIB. Like the MIK, the MIB monitor and track aliens living on Earth. The men in black are usually portrayed as wearing black suits and sunglasses; the uniforms of most MIK members follow this depiction.


  1. NeoArkadia (February 20, 2022). "[GO RUSH] Two More Characters Revealed!". The Organization. Retrieved March 4, 2022.
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0022: "The Organization for Monitoring Interstellar Kriminals"